Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1145

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1128 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 321. 1909. or use or attempt to use the same in payment of postage; or whoever unlawfully and willfully shall remove rom any mail matter any stamp attached thereto in payment of postage; or shall knowingly use or cause to be used in payment of postage, any postage stamp, plostal card, or stamped envelope, issued in pursuance of law, w ic has Puninhmemfcr. already been used for a like purpose; shall, if he be a person employed · P°”m °"“°l°Y°°°' in the postal service, be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or com persons. imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and if he be a. person not emplo ed in the postal service, shall be fined not more than five hundred <h>llars, or imyirisoned not more than one year, or both. p(f%u*¤j;‘;;';g fj; Sec. 206. Wlroever, eing a postmaster or other person employed _ cme cempermaeu. in any branch of the ostal ser·v1ce, shall make, or assist in making or V°1‘ z°’ "1'°‘ cause to be made, a false retum, statement, or account to any officer of the United States, or shall make, assist in making, or cause to be made, a false entry in any record, book or account, required by law or the rules or regulations of the Post-Difice Department to be kept in res act of the business or operations of any post-office or other branch of the postal service, for the purpose of fraudulently increasing his compensation or the compensation of the postmaster or any employee in a post—office; or whoever, being a postmaster or other person employed in any post~oflice or station thereof, shall induce, or attempt to induce, or the purpose of increasing the emoluments or compensation of his office, an person to deposit mail matter in, or forward in any manner for mailing at, the office where such postmaster or other person is employed, knowing such matter to be properly P¤¤i¤1¤¤¤¤¢ f<>r· mailable at another post-office, shall be lined not more t an five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. mw ““’“"*'“ Sec. 207. Whoever, being a postmaster or other person authorized v»S-.¤ec.389¤.1>-759- to receive the postage of mail matter, shall fraudu ently demand or _ receive any rate of postage or gratuity or reward other than is pro-

  • ’“““h“‘°““°'· vided by law for the postage 0 such mail matter, shall be fined not

more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six ¤·=¤»~¤-¤ »¤¤¤=¤·—¤ msuthséiii bid b · tm t at 1 d ` _ Ec. . oever, eing a pos as er or o er rson em o e 0r€éi§%;:i@sp·762- in any branch of the postal service, and being intrusltdd with the gale °° ’p`or custody of postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal cards, shall use or dispose of them in the payment of debts, or in the purchase of merchandise or other salable articles, or pledge or hypothecate the same, or sell or dispose of them except for cash; or sell or dispose of postage stamps or postal cards for any larger or less sum than the values indicated on their faces; or sell or dispose of stam ed envelo es for a larger or less sum than is cha ed therefor by the Post-Ofhce Department for like quantities; or slegll or dispose of, or cause to be sold or disposed of, postage stamps, stam d envelopes, or postal cards at any point or place outside of the ddlizvery of the office where _,g·_ggpg_;>g,g>_;;r¤¤·¤¤~ such ostmaster or other person is employed; or induce or attempt " to imfirce, for the purpose of increasing the emoluments or compensation of such postmaster, or the emoluments or compensation of any other person employed in such post—ofIice or any station thereof, or the allowances or facilities provided therefor, any person to purchase at such post-office or any station thereof, or from any employee of such post-office, postage stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal cards; or sel or dispose of postage stamps, stam ed envelopes, or postal cards, otherwise than as provided by law or dine regulations P¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*·>¤· of the Post-Office Department, s all be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. fmF•¤ig§g€*gu•;¤<;¤tg¤* Sno, 209. Whoever, being a postmaster or other person engaged in viiiiszo, p. 362ithe postal service, shall collect and fail to account for the ostage due upon any article of mail matter which he may deliver, witliiout having previously affixed and canceled the special stamp provided by law,