Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1151

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1134 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. sm. 11. GH. 321. 1909. otherwise, when instructed or required so to do by the Postmaster- General, for the ptupose of remitting s1u·plus funds from one post- . office to mow. be 1 d h 1 I?”{;:{°°'*°*°'°°° Sec. 226. oever ing a person em oye in the posta service n I . . . . . °d1i.s.,m?i’.15,¤;cntzi shall become mterested in any contract for carrying the mail, or act as agent, with or without compensation, for any contractor or person hmmm t M offering to become a contractor any busmess before the Depart- °°ment, shall be immediately dismissed from office, and shall be ned ‘ not more than five thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. _ cggiqtgxf ¤¤¤ ¤f Sec. 227. Whoever shall make use of 0H`lC18.l. envelope, label, v01. 19,p.$ggll or indorsement authorised by law, to avo1 the payment o postage P n R or registry fee on his givate letter, packet, package, or other matter ° ° y' in the mail, shall be ed not more than three hundred dollars. _ c,.ffg,}‘Q“§§,;},{ hgg · Sec. 228. Whoever shall lace or cause to be placed any matter m mejli 30 442 the mails during the regular weighing period, for the purpose of °' ’P'increasing the weight of the mail, wit intent_t0 cause an increase · in the compensation of the ra1lroad mail carrier over whose route P¤¤is1m•=¤¤f¤¤·· such mail may pass, shall be fined not more than twenty thousand dollars, or imlprisoned not more than fiveiyears, or both. _<>¤e¤¤e¤ ¤g¤i¤!?_ir¤r· Sec. 229. very foreign mail shall, wh e being transported across °"f€sY{°lllcl'I0Rp,}i4_ the territoq of the United States under authority of law, be taken and deeme to be a mail of the United States so far as to make any violation thereof, or depredation thereon, or offense in respect P“¤*“*“¤°¤* ‘°'· thereto, or any part thereof, an offense of the same grade, and pun- _ ishable in the same manner and to the same extent as though the I”°*°*¤*°¤“- mail was a mail of the United States;_and in any indictment or ` information for any such offense, the mail, or any (part thereof, may be alleged to be, and on the trial of any such in `ctment or information it shall be deemed and held to be, a mail or part of a mail of the United States. °_Q,·;¤i==i¤¤ ¤> ¤¤¤ Sec. 230. Every person employed in the postal service shall be a.s.,¤,p.vso. subject to all penalties and forfe1tures for the violation of the laws relating to such service, whether he has taken the oath of office or not. ¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤- Sec. 231. The words"postal service,"whereverused in this chapter, shall be held and deemed to mclude the "Post-Office Department." Cuarrnn Ninn. e,gf°’;‘,fg °*f$l§§§,f,&‘; OFFENSES AGAINST FOREIGN AND INTEBSTATE COMMEBCE. commerce. Sec.See 232. Dynamite, etc., not to be carried on 239. Common carrier, etc., not to collect vessels or_vel1icles carrying passen- purchase price of interstate shipgers for hue. ment of intoxicating liquors. 233. Interstate Commerce Commission to240. Packages containing intoxicating make regulations for transports- i liquors shipped in interstate comtion of explosives. g merce to be marked as such. 234. Liquid nitroglycerine, etc., not tobe i 241. Importation of certain wild animals carried on certain vessels and} and birds forbidden. vehicles.242. Trans rtation of prohibited ani- 235. Marking of packages of explosives; • malls)? deceptive marking. 243. Marking of packages. 236. Death or bodily injury caused by { 244. Penalty for violation of three presuch transportation. ‘ ceding sections. 237. Importation and transportation of * 245. Importation and transportation of lottery tickets, ctc., orbidden. 3 o scene, etc., books, etc. 238. Interstate shipment of intoxicating I liquors; de ivery of to be made 5 offly to bona tide consignee. mF}ge°§_§'g: gg§,°_g Sno,_232. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or convefy, any yrinhf papssngers fcr dynamite, gunpowder, or other explosive, etween a place in a oreign if Seciméssz, p. country and a place within or subject to the jurisdiction of the United ""°· States, or between a place in any State, Territory, or District of the