Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1154

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srxrmrrn CONGRESS. sm. 11. cH. 321. 1909. 1137 thereof, before, on, or after delivery, from the consignee, or from any other person, or shall in any manner act as the agent of the buyer or seller of any such liquor, for the purpose of buying or selling or completing the sale thereof, saving only rn the actual trans ortation and delavery of the same, shall be fined not more than Eve thousand P¤¤¤**v· 0 ars. Sec. 240. Whoever shall knowing` ly shi or cause to be shi SMP H•¤¤g¤• from one State, Territory, or District of the United States, or gwé ¤(ii»¤»iiii ,e¤€; noncontiguous to but sub`ect to the jurisdiction thereof, into any §°,§°§'}L},$,'F°*“°‘p’“"’]’ other State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or from any foreign country into any State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, any package of or package containing any spirituous, vinous, malted, fermented, or other intoxicating liquor of any kind, unless such package be so labeled on the outside cover as to plainly show the name o the consignee, the nature of its contents, and the quantity contained therein, shall be fined not more than ive thousand wwwdo lars; and such liquor shall be forfeited to the United States, and may be seized and condemned by like proceedings as those provided pjv aw for the seizure and forfeiture of property imported into the nited States contrary to law. _ Sec. 241. The importation into the United States, or any Terri- ,,,§$.§’§,{§*“{,,E,$,“;},§ to or District thereof, of the mongoose, the so-called "Hying foxes" ¤¤`ig)¤,¤3jf¤f{>gg¤¤¤- orrfruit bats, the Egish sparrow the starling, and such other birds'°' ` and animals as the cretary of zigriculture may from time to time declare to be injurious to the interests of agriculture or horticulture, is hereby prohibited; and all such birds and animals shall, upon arrival at any port of the United States, be destroyed or returned - at the expense of the owner. No green shall import into the United jgm *°’°’¢° States or into any Territory or istrict thereof, any foreign wild animal or bird, except under special permit from the Secretary of Agriculture: Pr0¤mded° , That nothing m this section shall restrict §,jQ@§’u'{,ns ,0, mw the importation of natural history specimens for museums or scien- mums. crc. tific collections, or of certain cage birds, such as domesticated canaries, parrots, or such other bir s as the Secretary of Agriculture may designate. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to make regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of this section. Sec. 242. It shall be unlawful for aniy person to deliver to any ,,,f;:{{;¤{;g{,•;,*;$>“*L`g* common carrier for transportation, or or any common carrier to ,»·.1. ‘ transport from any State, erritory, or District of the United States, ° "“"""°‘ to any other State, Territory, or District thereof any foreign animals or birds, the importation o which is prohibited, or the dead bodies or parts thereof of any wild animals or birds, where such animals or birds have been killed or shipped in violation of the laws of the State, Territory, or District in which the same were killed, or from which they were shipped: Provided, That nothing herein shall pre- gmilvvv-Q_ vent the transportation of any dead birds or animals killed during ,,m§.’Zi”°° m '"°° the season when the same ma be lawfull captured, and the export of which is not prohibited by law in the State, Territory, or District F { in which the same are captured or killed: Provided further, That ,-,,,°#$`§E_° b""` nothing herein shall prevent the importation, transportation, or sale pf birds or bird plumage manufactured from the feathers of barnyard owls. Sec. 243. All packages containing the dead bodies, or the plumage, ·g’&f’**°8 °* P¤°k· or parts thereof, of game animals, or game or other wild birds, when vox. 31,p. ras. shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, shall be plainly and clearly marked, so that the name and address of the shipper, and the nature of the contents, may be readily ascertained on an inspection of the outside of such package.