Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1202

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INDEX. xv ”‘,%.§¤‘2‘”’“ "‘”.?.·"“.·..· as mums *54 ”’§;“32;‘ B"? ’”é"··- t { 359%*; _ _¤¤¤¤',Y . - - _ na ion or im rovemen .. , Beg S:ou.:r Rwer, S. and Iowa, Btsmarcg, _N._Dak., p_ 0 _ Bpre iminary examination of, to be made. . 832 appropriation for Indian school._ . _ . . , . 87, 801

  • 0 Stony Gall, VG-. _ _ _ _ ucqlunng site and erecting public building

acquiring site and erecting public building at, authorized ..., . ..,..,,. 531 dcmgt, sutbcnned., - . .f .. deficiency aprgropriation for . . . 486

 0]] 0l‘,_,__,_,-., 3, 1*0 I li. ,, ____ ,, ,_,,___,_____ 94

apwintrnent of deputy clerk of court . · 57 Buonp1ga1g;a'1l;i>l;itfZrNatakyrml, 7 ’**:t"·**:·s.,. B- N *PP"%:·.,;*s°;·s¤*P“*°‘*·u°**·:*¤· M 0 veras rg a- n ian ti ... 267 tional Forest, containing. .. 626 for maintenance; fencinrii . gd . ... 1051 Biyqmy _ additional land from lathead Indian punipllmgng f mmit,gh T '- _ eservation .. 1051 ms., E',...°‘.L¤.,...'i‘f‘?..T’T. . .7 . im Bm pm vm, um., _ _ Billings, Monk mming laws tml:-dsa applicable to undns- 46 acquiring site and erecting public building Black P°°°d ° m ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 7 - Death, l , l 0H10d ---·.----..-..-----.- . . . . . .ism$..¤`§'€ppmp¤.es¤e0r . . . m gvg¤:v¤·¤<>¤f·¤v¤>>*<=¤¤¤=;¤*¤P·<*¤¤¤¤¤¤ 33°»97° Bull, BOI} (Occ National Ourr3ngy)_ ° cmgfy $·%¥i'0p¤$·l3l0l1 O! preventing 10 M1: <>fE¤e¤f¤gmy¢. _ Bm mm, im.,`` ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤¤¤ for rsfundme ¤¤¤¤1> ¤¤<>¤ bri mamma mm at rowiasm- - - 3 f on, diawntfc; expeorts. i. ... 590 Bga,;,dE,,,, g_ g_` 0* ¤XP¤¤¤¤¤» 69 to ¤*¤¤¤ti° relimi examination of to be made 832 ¤<¤¤z¤¤¤¤¤¤ ----- - --------- - -·---- 680 Blgckkoek Harm N. iz, ’ " Billy, William, Indian Allottee, appropriation {oi improvement of 998 alienation restriction removed 88 helium; for unprovqmgm, ot, hgngfgugd to Umdmg, , _ _ breakwater system, Bulhlo 816 requirements for, copyrighted books in Black Warrior Rim, Ala., __ _ UnitedStates . I , . . , ... 1078 appropriation for improvement of, by locks Bmdmg, Bulglnc (sca Public Printing and and dam ,,,,,, , __,,,_,.,,,,___ 359, 998 my ,..%*:*,**2; S "'“°‘· ""”"5..’;‘.; { ts r - . 0 · · a prqma or en ee as - deficiency appropribtion, for allowance in P former ...,,_ ._,____,,,,,,, ffl_ 933 p.y¤¤mi»¤:i£iii$ié}b}§¢£xi£1i»§éi¤I¤iil M Bmgxégaonytsfdim agent at _____,___ 83 _ er "Jose¢ E. Johnston - . 441 B jeet Indian Reservation, Mont., Bmgleagnton, N. ., _ _ _ _ appropriation for survey, etc., of coded deicrency appropriation for public build- land on ..,,__,_,_____,___,,,, , 795 B_ hingi ... _. . . ... 28 deficiency appropriation for surveys, allotwgrap wa ongresqwna re cry, _ _ t, etc . . .. 507 deficiency appropriation for recompxling.: 933 Bhxckjishngizlgou, Ark., Biologwaclu Bureau, Department of Agn- B enpaniinsétion of, to be made. . . 823 _ _ s _ Ty Od . . appropriation for salaries .. 262, 1051 dedication of ldnd owned by Government or general expenses .. . _ 2 62, 1051 for widenin of .. 620 for pglwignting shipment of illegallyéz wm time extended lor condemnation proceedsame . . --------. i ... . . 620 for maintenance, bison range, etc ... , 1051 widenirigf by Washington, Spa Springs and for investipating food habits of birds and Grctta Rail Company .. 779 anime. s .. 1051 Blaine, Wash., for investigating migration of plants and immediate transportation privileges exanima s .. 1051 te ded to .. . . 643 for administrative work . . . 1052 Blauvelt, Lthur, Bird Preserves, ; delicienc appropriation for services .. 934 punishment for hunting, etc., on . 1104 1 Blind Childien, D. C., Birds, Alaska, mld, _ appropriation for instruction of indigent; provision for protection of game .. 102 | contracts, __,____,,,_______ _ ____ 295, 710 Birds, Foreign, _ _ _ S fxermanent appropriation repealed ... 295 importing, injurious to agriculture, etc., i B och Island, R. ., fafbgddélyf . ._ . 1137 preliminary exzminatiop mbedmade of inner pena y or vio ations .. . .. 1138 b b , t S t on . . ..,,. 832 transporting prohibited, forbidden 1137 . Block-Sigr;rlsj)letcj;.g:1;;ste5;\ns on Railroads, B_ dpegalty fo!' Violations . . ... 1138 t B lzpbimcpxltfsiré for investigations of- . -. - . 325, 966 'LT GTTLC, E , ., transporting illegally killed, etc., forbid- denciency appropriation for . . ... 911 _ _ den; perm, ty ._,,,.,. . ,.,___... 1137 {Bloomington, ., Btrrmngharrt, 4 acquiring site and erecting public building classification and salary of consulate ... 101 g at, authorized _..._.__,,.., 529 Birmingham, Ky. , deficiency appropriation for . . . 485 bridge authorized across Tennessee River, Blue/held, W. Va., between Hamlin and .. . .. 58 Q appropriation for public building _,___ _ _ _ 947 former Rift repealed. ... 58 3 limit of cost increased, public building- . . 523