Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1215

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xxviii INDEX. Chippewa Indians of M·hmesvta—Continucd. P¤z¢· I Choctaw Ind·kms—Coutinuod. P¤s¤- aptpropriaton for advance interest gg, 7 91 ‘ lands allowed for Gc0d%aud Indian Orphan or support, etc ...,... , 79 Industrial Sehoo ... 806 ceded lands open to homestead entry . 171 payment of outstanding warrant issued by. 315 payment required . 171 town sites authorized on surface of coal and extm, for drainage survey, Rad Lake asphalt segregated lands of _ . 446 Reservation 171 restriction on sales removed; expenses. . 446 forestry and other reserved lands cf, in- Choctaw Indians, Mismmippi, cluded in Minnesota National Forest ·270 claims of attorneys for services referred to sale of ti{11ge:·l mgmued on other lands. . . Cogrg f ofd Claims; payment from ouincue s .. tria uns 457 commission to apfraisc value of timber, intervening allowed of William N. Vernon ctc., on km s included . 271 and others in suit of estate of Charles certifgaglaéuc ofdtimber and lands taken. gl F.c2;ei1;ts0u against . 457 ap y In ian . . .. 1 Chocmwhat iver, suxiriount to be placed to credit of In- 271 bridge autheiged acrosgagnear Geneva, Ala- 166 isms . at J ones Ferry, ..,. 5 allotments within National Forest may be dam authorized across, in Dule County, _ fd exchangied for other public lem s. . . Ah ... 40 0 ndians. Cholera, purchase authorized instead of exchange. 272 appropriation for prevention of epidemic . 330, 970 unallottcd lands in reservation outside of deficiency appropriation for preventing gmmgom, opened to home- 272 Ch _ t_ spzegd ofb .l ... 10 en rw uma wer, e ., psy ofuppmi?1§ommimion§rs $77; Chygsliminary examination of, to be made. . , 824 graves not to e ist ;. .. .Lamm, gtmz of glofremmfggsgshbilgyi 272 classification and salary of c0nsulatc·ge11· c 0 un in umn xmty _ era . ._ 101 to Minnesota ... 455 Chunbing, alienation restriction removed from cer- classification and salary of consulate .. 101 tain allotments in Carlton . 455 Oknfuegos, sale to State; acceptance of other ot- 405 C‘·Cl388i§C3tg);|1 and mlary of consulate .. 101 ment .·7LCi7|.1’|u0Z'|:, io, proceeds to credit of tribe . . 456 appropriation for assistant trensurefs oftimger contracts continued ... L . lice- . -i .. 208, 872 con itions. ... loan of tents or gymnastic festi at . 1165 re rt of all mdne : received from lands, Circuit Cwrls P0 y ) · timber, on account of: tg be magic.- 1167 cognizzmcc of crimes and offenses desig- Chippma _Iqdm·n.s of the jllismsnppi, _Mmn., _ _ mgted_iu Criminal Code in ... . . . 1153 appmprmtxon for fulfilling treaty Wlth- . . 82, 794 ]`l1I1SdlCtl0H m customs appeals from Board Chippsha Ind1hnaisRte(;db.I(;akc R;s;·x‘v;z`ti0r·Gs, 83 ¥ oflgengml Qpprxgseri .. ... m mm paymcn . a ca 0 cu·cu1 cou s 0 appca ... Chippewa Indmm, Rocky Boy': Bam}: Mont., junggictiou under co yright law .. 1084 appropriation for settling on reservation, 84 Cu-euiz Courts of!Ap;;eaIlé·é etc ... appropriatiou or c er 242 905 Chi wa Indiana, Turtle Mountain Band, [ gr m r, etc., eighth circuit . 243; 905 ppe csengfs appropriation for support, etc., of 87, 800 for law boo for .. 243, 906 issue of trust patents to allcttecs . ._ 801 for library, umth circngit 377 Chippewa Indiana, White Earth Band, Mum., appeals, etc., from distnct court, Hawaii, appropriation for annual celebration . 82, 794 , t0_ningh circuit . ... _ - - .: ... 839 transfer of proceeds from surt with Commop- jurisdnctnon m appeals from cnrcuxt courts wgoa, gh Lumber Company m credit 456 _0f cgxstglss .. m 0 . . ... · revww y preme 0 .. Choate, Charles A., jr., _ i Circuit Juglgea, appointed on Board of Regents, Smntb- appropnation for ... 242, 905 mnizm Institution .. 567 { Circulatwn, National Bank Clwctau Freedman, provisions for issuing additional .. 546 claims of attorneys for services to be Citizenship, brought in ('our!. of Claims . 451 Q punishment for making, etc., false certifi- "*"‘“¥;?3"“i’° ““°““°“‘°‘°°°"’° ”"°"’ mi c¤mig$;i2;Lg"é£é"2¤é}£{riéA£és`6i ‘‘‘‘·· H3? Choctaw ·(-sia; ·f’{\}é. possessing counterfeit plates, etc., égrl Tribes), · _ tjficates of . _ . I . 1 102 appropriation for tribal schools .. 91, 804 1 pnntnng etc., coupt;erfq1tpert]Iicates of. 1102 payment for remnant allotments due- . 805 I unlawfully possepsing dxstmctxve paper . 1102 for fulfilling treames wltb. .: ... 91, 805 * unlawful posscssum 0(blapks ... 1102 case of Fleming 11. McCurtam to be ad- { denying of bqr uatumlxzauou ... 1102 vanced in Supreme Ccqrt ... 807 Q _ false? cimmnngé qtc ... 1103 claims of Samuel Garland agumst, referred 3 Only cmd uburban azlway, D. C., to Court of Claims . _ 445 I to construct tracks on North Capitol street payxgegz of judgment from funds oi ua- 445 ; PeHnitf;<;u;a(;r,s(?1r‘:>gcE>nl(§Sassacbusettssveuue no .. . - . . A;mmey.Gemm1 m defend . 445 i to remove unused tracks; expenses .., 247 coal and asphalt lands of, surfayc only, may ¥ Qigne of construction limited; extension. , , 248 be coudgmned for public uses .. 805 I ]0lDt \1.S€ of Hicks; terms . ...,.,, 248 {