Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1220

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INDEX. xxxm Commiss¢¤·i;·Gene:·al Sue Subsistence Depart- P¤S<·- a Common Carriers, Panment, Arm . allowed to destroy useles tiles of accounts, Commkaary-General}: Ojioe, War Department, records, etc 649 appropriation for clerks etc 215, 879 forbidden to issue free interstate passes, - Commission (Canadian), Joint, etc., to passengers . 60 appropriation for preparing reports, etc., excelption to employees and their tami- · of ... - . 177, 678 ies, etc ... 60 Couuniwion on Immigration, Joint, interchanges for employees permitted. . . 61 appropriation for ex nses of . . .. 982 "employees" and ‘ families " defined. . . 61 Omnmiuion on Title ojpllnitcd Stale: to Lando. · penn ty for giving or receiving free passes 61 D. C., lis. ility of railroad, for injuries to emdeticiency apmopriation for expenses . 927 ployees through negligence, etc . 65 Commisnbncrs, mud State: Courts, restrictions on transportation of explosives appropriation for fees ...,. 376, 1015 by 554 d ciency agrlopriation for fees- 30, 518, 520, 943 transportinpiillegally killed game, etc., by, Cmumissimw, nails, etc., forbi den; pehalt 1137 no public funds to be used for expenses of, Common Carrkra, Railroad, . unless created by law .. 1027 safety ash pans required on locomotives of, details of employees, etc., to, forbidden. . . 1027 after January 1, 1910 · 476 Commissions, ntemational (see under Inter- Commonwealth Lumber Company, _ national}. proceeds of suit with, erroneousl covered Committee on noalid Penmbm, House of in, to credit of White Earth Band of Representatives, Chippewa Indians . 456 deficiency appropriations for stenographer Commutation of Rations, to 934 appropriation for Army . 116, 741 Committee on Military Ajairc, Houu ofkep- or volunteers .. 373, 1012 reaerztatives, deficiency approlprintion for volunteers. . . . 920 chairman to appoint seven members on Compagnie Genera e Trumatlantiqru, board o visitors to Military Acad- appropriationiorrefund to .. 508,983 emy .. 436 Compilations, dc., Coumuttec on Military Ajaira, Senate copyright provisions for, of published chairman to appoint five memhers on works .. 1077 board of visitors to Military Acad- Compositions, 1lu.rioaIorDra1nat€c emy .. 436 provisions for co , not fior sale 1078 Committee on Printing, House of Repreaenta- Comptroller of the , Hue, appropriation for, deputies, clerks, etc... 203, 867 appointment of temporary ... 937 or expenses; superintendent, etc . Z)3,867 to serve on joint commission to examine forlspecial examinations, etc .. 23,867 public printing and binding ... 937 ditional deputy authorized;duties. - 867 Committee on Printing, Joint, deficiency appropriation for examinations, arrangement of congresional documents for etc ... 9 binding, etc., to be directed by 566 acts of, relating to additional national bank Committee on Printing, Senate, circulation subject to approval of to serve on joint commission to examine Secretary · . 552 public printing and binding ... 937 duties of, building associations in District Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, of Columbia ... 1058 House cgkepreuentatwes, · deposit-of securities with, required 1059 chairman ma e member of commission to nationalbasnkadditional circulation . 546 investigate, etc., titles to Govern- Comptroller of the Treasury, ment. lands in District of Columbia. 544 appropriatnon for, assistant, clerks, etc. .. 201, 864 Cmnmittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, dehcienoy appropriation for clerk . 9 Senate, _ _ Comstock, Ienry S., chairman made member of commission to payment to .. 814 investigate, etc. , titles to Govem- Concord, N. C., ment lands in District of Columbia. 544 construction authorized of public- bnild· Committee on the Library, House of Reprcaen- ing at .. 527 tatives, deficiency appropriation for . 484 chairman appointed on Alexander llamil— appropriation for ... 948 ton emorial Commission .. 1170 "Concord, ’ U. S. S., designated on commission on site and appro riation for repairs ... 769 pedestal, monument oi John Wither- Concordz, Kans., spoon ... . . 579 acquiring site for public building at, auchairman to serve on committee to rear- thorized ... 533 range, etc., Hall of the House of deficiency appropriation for . 488 Representatives . . 1168 Condado Bay, San Juan Island, P. R., Committee on the Library, Senate, bridge authorized across portion of 654 chairman appointed on Alexander Hamil- Condemnation of Lands for Streets, D. C., ton Memorial Commission .. 1170 payment of awards due unknown, etc., . designated on commission on site and L owners ... 582 pedestal, monument of John Wither- title to vest in District .. 582 spoon .. . .. 579 Condemned Canmm (see Ordnance, Obsolete}. Comm.odihk·.s, D. C., Condiments, etc., definition of ,. 670 appropriation for investigating adultemu punishment for bucket shop dealing in 671 ing, false branding, etc., of . 261