Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1224

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INDEX. xxxvu C0r·r·eyidor_Ia1and Philipgims, Pm- Cmm¢erfei¢ing—Cont;inuod. P¤B¤- appropriation {or store ouses for Army sup- punishment for having in possession fnud· _p1l0¤ .. - 747 ulent impression of diss, ou;. ,.,. . , . 1117 Cqrmptwn aj Blood, dealing m false notes, etc . . . 1117 Cwdgxpents not to work ... 1151 tealing, otcvélies, etc ...,.,.., any, a., orc secun es, etc .. 7 acquiring site for public building at, au- uttoliin , etc.,falsoforeigusocurities,et»c. 1118 tlxorizcd . I . 535 foreign Lank notes, etc. ,,...,.. 1118 dohcwncy agépropriation for . 489 uttering, ctc., formgn bank notes, etc 1118 made port of ehvory, Eric customs dis- having in possession {also, etc., foreign trict .. I. . . 780 securities, bank notes, etc. . 1118 granted immediate tnnsgfortation doliv- · fraudulent possession of plates, ctc., of ery privileges .. 780 forezpsosccurities, etc .. 1118 Corsica River, Md., notes from parts of genuine preliminary examination of, to be made. - . 828 bil . . 1119 Corriwna, Taz., gold and silver coins and bars .. . 1119 appropriation for public building .. 948 minor coins ... 1119 limit of cost. increased, public building 523 fraudulently defacing, ctc., gold and sil- Cotrtlmuld, N. _Y.i bh b ld_ " t th ver c0ins.H ... . scquxrmgsnto orpu 'c m mga ,au or- uttering, etc., abused coins . ized ... 535 fraudulent debasdng coins, ctc., by mint deficiency appropriation for . 488 omcisls .. . .,.., 1120 Costa Riat, _ _ _ making, uttering, ctc., coins in resemappropmum for mmiéter to ... . 172, 672 blanco of money . ... 1120 C or secretary of legaticn .. 172, 673 mw, utteging, etc., tokens in msem- lm ouon, noo o mmm coins. . . 1 appropriationof for establishing ntaudsnédh, 1046 unlawfully dies, hubs, etc., for H20 grades ... . false coms.. ... classification ... I unlawfully making diss, hubs, etc., for nw im-msi1mg' ‘ standards .. cnigucoinm. C fmpwmenxd culture, etc., of . 1045 using advortisexnaeuts, etc., similar to 1121 outm, erimn, coins; cxce 'om. . gppmprintion for meeting ravages of, i.m· forfeiture of éso coins, cbc ... . , . . , 1121 modiately available . 257, 1045 refusing to surrender hiso coins, ctc 1121 deficiency appniipristximn forinvestigatiuns. 942 issue of search wmnnts ., 1121 Cotton Cemditum eport, circulating notes, etc., by expired corpoappropriatiou for oxpomes, collecting, etc.; rations. ... 1122 time of imno 264, 1053 making, ctc. advertisements similar to Comm Reports, national 1mnk notes . 1122 buled-cottion statistics to be published 1168 placing advertisement on national bank 122 wit ... . .. notes . 1 Cotton Statistics, dcfacing, etc., national bank'u0tos . . 1122 appropgigicn for collecting, by Census 239 making, etg., advertisements similar to 122 ' ce .. ‘ securities. . 1 Council Blu{a, Iowa, placing advertisements on securities 1122 bridge nut orized across Missouri River at. 3 mail locks and keys.. .. 1125 limit of cost. increased, public building, ad- moncy orders . . 1131 ditiorml land . . 521 postage stamps, ctc .. . .. 1132 deticioncy appropriation for . 482 oroign postage starnps . 1132 appropriation for .. . 948 1 Counter;/'ating, ctc., Cromer, _ tlor rent .. 948 appropriation for suppressing ... _ 328, 988 time extended lor bridging Missouri Rivor omplo¥c·osunder,rnntrirwdfr0m duuos at 660 I inot mrbmnchos ogpublic sorvico. 328, 966 Council of Fine Arts . deficiency appropriation or suppressing.. . 909 payments tt} mgrggem of, out of appropriw 9 I C regtrigion on employees . . .. 910, 968 tions or i on .. A .. 95 _ ounty on s, expenditures for plans, ctc., of, not to be acceptable us security for additional namade ,...,.,.,... . ..., 959 _ tional bank circulation . . 549

 (seeMCommissions). C copfiitiong   .  549

mmter eat tmey eu:. ‘ curl- ouae, . ., punishment forjudng mails to distribute, { appropriation for employees ... . 301, 717 etc .., 1130 for repairs, etc .. 373, 1012 assuming false addremes to circulate, etc- 1131 addition for court of appealsauthorizod 544 Cmmtezgfeiting, _ deficiency appropriation for construcpunishment for, letters patent ..., 1094 tion . . ... 491, 928 bids, etc., to defraud the Government. . 1094 use of corridors for inauguration aldeeds, powers of attorney, etc., to de- lowed Fifth Regiment Marylan Nafmud the Government . 1094 tional Guard .. 1161 military bounty-land warrants ., 1101 Court of Appeals, D. C., certiicatcs of citizenship .. . 1102 appropriations for salaries .. 243, 906 securities of the United States ... 1115 for reports of decisions . . .. 300, 715 national-bank notes .., 1115 for Torbert’s D¥est of Reports of ... . 300 fraudulent use of plates, etc ...,...,..,. 1116 addition to court ouse for, authorized 544 uttering, etc., fraudulent notes, ctc .. 1116 deiciency appropriation for constructakiugfmudulent imprexions ofdies. ctc . 1117 tion . . ... 491, 928