Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1230

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INDEX. · xlm Criminal Code-Continued. P¤¢¤· Criminal C'ode-Continued. Pmomucusns IN anumairrv, xaxmun, AND ornmsms m ·r1=m ·r1umm·<>nm¤—continu0d. •mmu·r01ua1. JUBIBDI(?fION—COD. punishment for pugilistic encounters, bull punishment for assault with dangerous fights, etc., restriction ...,.. 1150 weapon . . . 1143 "pugilistic encounter " deiined ,... 1150 assault by striking, etc . 1143 train robbery; indictments .. 1150 a.sst::1t% .. ... 1143 cgunhnar. Ann srzlogalr. rnovrsrous, at p commi m er or man- es pomlt to y hanging ...,,.. 1151 slaughter .. 1143 corruption oiy blood and fo eiture of estate mpc .. 1143 prohibited 1151 carnalknowledgeof female under sixteen 1143 whippm5 and standing in pillory forseduction of female passenger by cflicerbi den .._. . ., 1151 of American vessel . 1143_ jurisdiction of State courts not impaired. . .· 1151 effect of subsezlulent marriage . 1144 pardoning power . ... 1151 tina for use of `ld . . 1144 jurisdiction over crimes by Indians in the restriction on conviction and indict- Territories . 1151 ment .. i . . 1144 in the States .. 1151 ' hnoflife by negligence, etc., of master, punishment for rape by Indian within a owner, etc., vessel .. 1144 reservation 1151 liability of cihcer of corporation .. 1144 jurisdiction over crimes b Indians in msma hem, maiming, etc. ... 1144 ervations in South ikkota; punishrobhery by force, cbc .. 1144 ments 1151 arson of dwelling house . 1144 qualified verdicts in murder and rape alother building, arsenal, vessel, etc 1144 lowod . 1152 larceny; written instruments, etc ... 1144 deliv of body of executed criminal for receiving, etc., stolen property . 1145 cgnsection .. 1152 offenses imder State laws 1145 principals in crime defined ... 1152 rumor any ornuszs m>0u um nas, punishment of accesories after the fact 1152 punishment for piracy ... 1145 pimishment for receiving property from cruelty to crew . 1145 pirates 1152

 to revolt or mutiny  1146 definition of felonies . 1152

revolt or mutin b crew.` . 1146 misdemeanors , 1152 ’ seaman violentiy ering commander determination of place of cmnmission of defending his ship L . 1146 crime of murder or manslaughter-, . 1152 commander malicious1y ‘ abandoning construction of desigated words . , 1152 officer or seaman in foreign port . 1146 iniiiction of hard la r provided for ... 1153 conspiracy to cast away vessel or iusur- arrangement and classijication of secance r . . 1146 tions .. -.- 1153 plnmdering vessels in distress, etc ... 1146 jurisdiction of district and circuit courts,- . 1153 obstructing escape of persons from repeal provisions .. . . . 1153 wrecked vessel . 1146 prior civil causes not affected . 1159 lu;-ing vessels to shipwreck . 1146 nding criminal actions not affected . 1159 maliciously attacking vessel for plunder. 1147 iiinitations, etc., continued under existing entering vessel with intent to commit laws - . 1159 felon , etc ... . . 1147 operation of present act ... 1159 bm-ratry gy owner of vessel .. 1147 Criminals, willful destruction of vessel at sea by punishment for rescuing, etc., body of exegeamen, etc . - .. 1147 cuted . 1114 robbery on shore by pirates 2. . . 1147 Crookston, Minn., _ arming vessel to cruise against American appropriation for public building .. 948 citizens .. . . 1147 limit of cost increased, public building 521 trials ... _ . 1147 Crop Reports, piracy under color of foreign commis- appropriation for expenses, collecting, sion, etc .. : ... 1147 etc . . . . 284, 1053 piracy b¥ foreigner 1147 punishment for officials giving unauthorpimctica 1yrunningawaywithvesse1,etc . 1148 ized advance infomation of 1110 confederating with pirates, etc .. 1148 officials givin false statistics, etc., of... 1111 confining master of vessel .. 1148 ( 'rops, Alkali and%rough¢ Reauhtwnt, selling arms, liquors, etc., to natives of appropriation for breeding, etc . .. 1045 Pacific Islands . 1148 Crouch: Bluf, S. C., deemed an offense committed on the dam authorized across Savannah River high seas ... 1148 at ... . 36 "ve¤¤el oi the United Statesf ’ construed. . 1148 . Crow Agency, Mont., orrmwsss is me rzniuromzs, appropriation for Indian agent at 83, 795 extent of jurisdiction . 1148 Crow Creek Agency, S. Dak., punishment for circulating obscene litem.- appropriation for Indian agent at .. L. 93, 808 ture, etc . .. 1149 i Crow Creek Indian Reservation, S: Dah., poly my; exception ... 1149 lands Tnted to Bureau of Indum Catholic cghatiiiting with more than one woman; iissions on . . . 810 indictments 1149 Crow Indian Reservation, Mont. gdulmry , definition ,...,,.. , ,...,, 1149 lands withdrawn under reclamation act megs; ,...,_ . .. 1149 subject to disposal, etc . 797 fornication .,... i . . 1149 Grow Creek National F oreat, WQO., violation of marriage requirements . . 1149 exchange of lands in, authorized for Army restricted to Territories .. 1150 maneuvering gtolmde .. 42 80893-von 35, rr 1-09——78