Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1276

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. INDEX. lxxxix Jackson, Miss. Pm- Japanese National Eapocit€¢m—Continued. P•G¤· appropriation for public building .. 951 appropriation for preliminary expenses 184 Jlrmrt of cost mcrjrsed, public building 522 expensespf etc., to be paid , , _ to e ruary 1, 1 ... s . 908 appmpgation for" etc., "Tl1e 330 Jno wr expenses to be incurred 908 enmtage, ome .. . . . . _ aspsr, ., Jackson, Tenn., _ _ _ condemned cannon granted to, for soldiers' enlargement of public bmlding at, aut.hor— monument , ... 1073 med ... _ 525 Jcferson Barracks, Ala., - de6c1eng:y_appropnation for . 483 ?pmpriation for hmplital , 121 J app1r‘og1a1_t17•;n for ... _ 961 Je amivfxhmcpm aterway, La. and I *1 ’I Jgppiopgation for public building .. 951 preliminary oi, to be made; 826 , . ., · at o e etc . . . appropriation for warden V 901, 717 Jcfcrson, Ta., ’ ddprasupport of prison§rs...{ ...,._,. 1201, 717 Jtfrms ofpourt at .. M c1en approprra on or support o c arson, homas, p1?0ners  : . 918 erection of monument to at Saint Louis, COIDIDINIODI to be appointed to report on Mo., by Louisiana l’urchase Exposi- J _ $§)Dd1l)‘&0D;i, workhouse, etc 303 JI trite; C-ptpépany, authorised ... ., . 1026 amawa uy_ . . _ c arson, . report or;';1mpm:)rfer1:I1ent§>f,km connection 829 construction autlrorised of public building 52 wi city ew or .. at . . ..,... 6 JH7h0g0B Earthquake, _ deficiency appropriation for ...,.. . .. 483 allowapce to Islxbrnran Oanail Corn-Krésion J apprgpriation for ..,.,.,,,.,.. .. 952 or supp 'esto erers cre: dc Frontera, from- . 387 { classification and salary of consulate .. 102 James Rwer,_Va., _ _ _ , Jersey City, N. J., appropriation for lighting . . 334, 972 appropriation for public building .. , . . . 952 Jameson, C. P., _ _ pn he amount for construction; . deficiency appropriation for refund of du- 912 lmut of Est .. 542 tiesto . . ... contracts auwi' 't; ex- Janitors, ikuildings, 327 967 J penditures01909 . . . . 542 a roprratron or pay etc ... , I dglficiency appropriatirin for. .. . - 27, 939 Jclassification and sdary of consulate .. 101 anitors to utah ous: epresmta- nssbury ‘ · · tives, , classification mdm of consulate .. 101 appropriation for . .. 190, 852 John Post; Army of the Repubappointment and removal-, ... 190 hc, Rock bland, Ill. , deficiency appfrppiiation for, paid fromcon- 935 J <;lbrusolet;a?ISp?gfeld titles donated to .. 443 tu:` pent ... 0 on `ty, n., Janson, W' liam, I appropriation gr public building .. 952 J deficiency appropriation for repayment. . . 926 n or expenses, Vohmteer Soldiers' Home. 367%, , y 1 1 asixmro riation for ambassador to 171, 672 · deficiency appropriation for Volunteer Solor 0 . . BIB pi) Eecretary f embauy 172 673 di ’ gorge 615 gon- sticptpd . . 673 l Jlllimit of Bosppncreased, public building. . . . 52 ' secretary,to easueno e noon, . ., or ldnguage .. , . . 173, 673 appropriation for salary as governor of for Japanese secretary and interpreter. 173, 674 Cluckasaws . . . 90 for assistantsecretsry . 173, 674 Johnston, Edward Douglas, £°‘“‘“2’°¥‘2"‘5*".§"°‘°”‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {Zigi} J5.'¢.’£$2“5¤‘2Z.;¢‘i‘$£‘.2’¢2‘.1‘,.°Sz‘E,,..,z;¢ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ 5 or cos o ur ro , , , ., fg ground mnt, embassy .. 174, 675 deficiency appropriation for credit in acfor quarters fo; studient lngierprellfrs. . . 178, Joh coupts 498 f base residence or em assy-.. nstoum a. {gi- imlsrpretegs at consulates . . 181, 681 lirplitkrzf cost increased, pubgic building . . . 522 J V t' Exposition, e iency appropriation or . 482 agmyécpgahclelbilinviution to participate in, 183 Joint Commimbp on Immigration, a thed . appropriation or expenses 0 .. 982 declarallionoeiizchamctcr of exhibit, etc 183 terminate March 1, 1910: .. . 982 limit of qgpgnditures .. . . . . . 183 Jmnt Cornmzsnbn on Public Printing and three comtmdmronemgeneml to be ap- 183 uthorggnggngbudnued 937 rn ,_,, . . ., a , . . . preliminary duties . . .. . 183 deficiency appropriation for expenses . 937 reports, etc., required . . . 183 Joint High Commission (Canadian), etc. of commissione neral 183 appropriation for preparing reports, etc. . 177, 678 pay! 7 . . . secretary and disbursing officer to be ap- 183 Joint Splzzl Commute: on Reunion of the ‘ ted - · ---.-...-- s, Lpay,Pd)0!lies, bond, etc . created; membership; duties . 1169 l .. ex uses, etc . 1170 i)re:i1:h-s on of exhibits, etc., on gov- Jormgdn, William, Indian Allottsc, _ ernment transports- .., 184 mvestrgatron of allotment, to be made . 451