Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1284

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INDEX. xcvu Liglnt-Homes, Beacons, and Fog Signals- Pm- Lighting, D. C.—C0ntinued. ‘ . _ (bntinued. appropriation for electric arc lighting b up light, etc. bucys authorized, Greenville, underground wires ,..,,_,.,__,,, E88, 703 N. J. I . ._ . 160 payment by Washington Terminal for appropriation for . 331 certain street; _____,______,,_,_____ 288 Point Judith, R. 1 . 160 1.;,1.:;,.,, m,,1¤u1»u¤ 3.51.1;..9,, l}p tion for . 331 agpropriation for ,,_,_.,___ _ ,___ , _ _ _ 321, 968 _ Saint J River cntnncc . 161 Lig ting o_[Ri11er.s, ]1gh¢·V§8] authorised, Mi.\WI\I&0 Bay, a proprmtion for expenses of ,.,.,.,, 333, 972 Wis..:-.:..} .. Dnbfu, 0n£n2ig¢:, up mpnsmon or . pemlt or' to maintain, uired b ' limit oilcogt increased, Elbow of Cres light {aw . ,,,,__,._.,, ,,___,_ 182 station, Delaware Bay ... . ,. 100 Inpnim, etc., _ approppativn fur . 832 appropriation for analyzing and testing, 349, 989 light station on jetty, Galveston Harbor, completion ordered by July 1, 1909. . . 350 Tex } .. gg; Lima, Ohio, f bbc b appropriation or . enlargement 0 uuild` at, author- Bagggd goin), Va., light station 161 ized . H .. .. 625 appropriation for . 332 deficiency appropriation for . 483 nngeh lights, Reedy Island, Delaware 1 appropriation for . .. . 952 'ver . . .. 60 Ley appropriation for . 332 chsincation and nlny of consulate .. 102 relie vessel for ninth and eleventh dis- Lincoln Ccnlznmhl, tricta._ 161 commemorative postage stamp to be imucd 1.’g'{.'°"”“£°,.“,..r‘°"‘1>.,]. ‘‘‘· ‘‘‘‘·‘ Iz ·‘‘‘‘ a,; **2 m..?}' ‘‘‘‘ 1:1*.1; ‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘ f `b¤"i¤y ‘‘‘·‘‘ “°° post tsau o' _, wam iverr,oi ymadeo e 12, tween Bordentcwn and Trenton 160 lg the birthday annivernry. 1184 approgmaticn for . 332 Lincoln, Ill., Lower road Creek, N. C ... · 161 appropriation for public building .. 962 ap nation for . 332 limit of cost increased, public building. . . 521 range mq Schooner Ledge, Delaware Lincoln, Prmlknt Abraham, River, Pa., to be moved 160 appsmpriapion for tablets m national cemesxpmpnation for . _ 332 terms containing Gettysburg addmm. 3$ spar 0 and scow authorized, Tompkins- "LinwI1•," U S. 8., v51e, Staten Island, N. Y .. 160 appmpistionfcrxepairs .. -.. 760 appropriation for . 331 Lincoln • Death Place, Washington, D. C., storehouse authorised at Sm Juan, P. R. . 160 appropriation for repairs, etc 358, 997 appmxriatirm for 3. : .. 332 Lme, Army Sdwol of the, tender au orized for first district . 160 appropriation for 1l]Bt!'|l0Zi0I1 expenses 733 appropriation for ... 831, 970 Linotype Operators, for sixth district 161 pay alI0wog£rinter, at Government Printappropriation for . 332 ing ce..-_ . .. 1024 penalty for obstructing, etc., aids to navi- Liquor Trapic, gation . 162 appropriation for suppreming, among Incontracts authoriizeiif for stations, buoys, 162 dm diana .. I ... 7 2, 782 etc., rovi e or .. cicncy a ru riation ur suppress;] . . 18 · San Clemenlie Island, Cal., lease of part of Liquor Tm_0fc,I:¥la•li¤a, light-house reservation . . 586 appropriation for nuppresiug . 351 I1•yh¢·Keeper.s’ Dwellings, Lhpwra (see Intuxicuuug Liquors). a propriation for . . ... 334 Liquors, aio., Ligiiu Vmela, appropriation for investigating sdultcratappropriation for expenses .. 38, 972 ing, false branding, ctc., of 1049 degciency appropriation for cswcnses. 20, 518, 943 Liquors, Inuxdmting, authorized, ilwaukee Bay, is . 161 carrying, in mails forbidden ... 418 appropriation for ... 332 Lisbon, limit of cost increased, ninth and eleventh classification and salary of consulatwgeneml 101 districts, relief . 161 ; Litchjield, Ill., appropriation for ... 332 { construction authorized of public building not to be removed from deegnuted station 5 at 526 unless authorized by ongress .. 331 § deficiency appropriation for ... r . 483 temporary draftsmen authorized for pre- A appropriation for . .. 952 pm-ing lans for new ... 162 Literature and Art, International Conference Lightbourn, D. 8., for Protecting_ Works 0]} a pmpriation for . 82 ; deiiciencly appropriation for expenses of Diggcing, D. C., t dc egnte ... 908 appropriation for exgenses . 287, 702 Q Little Black River, Ark. and M0., pa ent by 'ashington Terminal g preliminary examination of, to be made... S23 golinpany or cchrggin streets,_ctc 287 Q I.1¢tIehC'¢mtentnia River, N. C'}, b maximum price;ting, repairs, etc., Q re 'minarv examination 0 , to e made... 830 incliéded ... . . . . @7, 7g ; Liglc Kanauina River, W. Vai, be street esignation xtures .. 7, 7 » preliminary enminationo , to made for incandescent lamps, Conduit road. . 287, 703further imgmvement, etc .._ 834 contracts restricted to one year ... 288 { Little Pedee River, . C., contracts not to exceed three years. . . 703 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 832