Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1303

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cxvi INDEX. Nuvy—Continued. PSR- Na vy—Continued. _ Pam appropriation for pay; increased grade for appropriation iqarhpublic works under Bucivil war service not to deprive other reau of M icine and Surgery .. 143 officers of rights on retirement .. 753 Marine Corps ... . .. 143, 766 allowance directed of payments made for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. . 145, 766 to officers on temporary leaves of transferring remains of officers and absence __,,.. . ..,,,.., 754 men 145, 767 list tobe made of pa and allowances to Nurse Corps (female) established .. 146 all officers and enbsted men 754 pay of enlisted men, Hospital Corps. . 146 for pay, miscellaneous ... 129, 754 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts; amount for clerical, etc., service re- clerical, etc., services . .. 146, 767 stricted ,_,,,..,_,,...,.,.. 754 freight, Department and Bureaus... 147, 768 clerical, etc., services to be paid from for Bureau of Construction and Repair. 148, 768 lump appro riations; rating 754 repairs to specified vessels- 149, 768 leaves to per djiem employees . 755 clerical, etc., services ... 769 limit for clerical, etc., services; de- construction plants 149, 769 tailed report of employees, duties, for Bureau of Steam Engineering . 150, 770 etc ___,_., 755 clerical, etc., services .. . 770 schedules of permanent rates for cler- machinery plants .. 151, 770 cal, etc., services, naval service to engineering experiment station . 151, 770 be submitted ...,.,. 755 warrant machinists c to mapreference to employees discharged chinists; promotion, , pay, etc., for lack of work, etc- . 755 of chief machinists . 771 repeal of statutory provision for pay eligibility of chief boatswains, etc., for to employees at rds 755 romotion as ensigns ... 771 f clerks to comnmndyits ... i29 755 for bigval Academy . 152, 771 or contingent ... , 7 55 y of rofessors an instructors infor Bureau of Navigation, transports- pacreaseg ... 152 tion . 130, 755 for Marine Co . ... 154, 773 clothing to discharged prisoners ... 755 service on rbzttle ships and armored recruiting; evidence of age of minor cruisers re uired .. 774 recruits . 130, 756 additional oihicers and men authorcontingent . 130, 756 ized ... . . 155 gunnery exercises: outfits .. 130, 756 number of enlisted men limited .. 155 naval auxiliaries, maintenance .. 130, 756 filling of vacancies . . 155 training stations ... 130, 756 for amount for increased pay; immedi- War Co lege; clerical, etc., services. 130, 757 ately available ...,...,._.. 155 Naval Home .. 130, 757 for increase of Naval Establishment,- . 158, 777 badges for engagements and cam- for construction and machinery, new paggns ... _ 1 32, 758 vessels .. 159, 778 use o irons fogpunishment restricted- - 132 for armorand armament . 159, 778 ‘or Bureau of O nance, ordnance; cler- for equipment 159, 778 ical, etc., services 132, 758 limit on expenditures of de artment. 159 powder purchases restricted ... 759 naming of monitors modifiecii 159 naval gun factory. . . . . 133, 759 use of ‘Increase of the Nav " for clermodemizing batteries .. 133, 759 ical, etc., services in the departfire-control instruments 133, 759 ment forbidden ... 778 ammunition; restriction .. 759 limit on expenditures of department; reserve guns for ships . 760 payment for technical services . 778 modemizing turrets ... 760 for pensions . 418, 1057 torpedoes, etc .. 133, 760 deficiency appropriation for Bureau of naval militia .. 133, 760 Navigation . 16, for Bureau of Equipment; clerical, etc., 29, 502, 503, 516, 519, 922, 940, 944 services .. . .. 134, 760 for Naval Academy ..,,,.,, 16 coal ,.. 135, 761 for Bureau of Equipment .__ _ , _ _ 16, ocean and lake surveys 135, 761 29, 502, 504 517, 519, 923, 941, 944 coal depots ,.. . . 135, 761 for Bureau of Yards and Docks ..,,,_,_ _ 17, for Bureau of Yards and Docks ... 136, 761 502, 517, 923, 941 for public works, Bureau of Yards and for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. . 922, 941 Docks ..,,,... . .. 139, 762 for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery ____ 17, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii ... 141 _ 29, 502, 514, 922,941 report on consolidation of power plants . 142 for Marine (‘orps ... 17, plans and specifications; clerical, etc., 29, 31, 501, 504, 516, 519, 922, 923, 940, 944 services ... 763 for pay . . .. 28, repairs and preservation .. , . 142, 764 _ 31, 501, 503, 516, 519, 922, 940, 944 floating demcks ... 142, 764 for pay, miscellaneous ... . .. 28, for public works under Secretary of the 31, 501, 516, 519, 922, 940 Navy . , .. 142, 764 for Bureau of Ordnance . 29, under Bureau of Navigation. ... 142, 764 , 32, 502, 503, 517, 923, 941, 944 under Bureau of Ordnance 143, 765 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts 29, under Bureau of Equipment ... 143, 766 32, 503, 504, 517, 922, 941, 944 under Bureau of Supplies and Ac- , for Bureau of Construction and Repair. - 29, 00U-¤¢¤·- -·---·---..--------·-··--- 766 F 32,503,517,519,922,941,944