Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1354

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INDEX. · clxvii

L Secretary of War——Continued. _ _ P¤z¤- Sedudion-—Continued. Pm-
:1 to appgmt cipurt of   to rpgestrgats, 836 punishment for, etc., eiect of subsequent 44
, ., r0wn¤v1_ e, ex., a y. . .·-- marriage. . ... 11
 to approve location, etc., of right of way useof fine ,.,...,.,,..,.,._.,.,.. 1144

‘j` fiortt Keogh Military Reservation, 83 Seed and Grain,

» on ... , 1.  6 appropriation for inspection and grad` of 257

, - I£‘_0rrt, ljavptlpn Reservation,,iWas(l,ré sgi Seeds issue Ei inspectrogigertificates. . 257

 0 c erson a on,_  , ctc., partment 0 gncul' ture,
 Fort Mason Military Reservation, Cal  585 appropriation for expenses of distributing,
 Lakipv aV:p¤l1ingt0u Canal Reservation, 99 Coetc ,,.,,,,,,,,,________________ 257, 1046
 _ . : I . . . ,  ngressional distribut' n  257, 1046

1 Niobrara Military Reservation, Nebr. I . . 588 noti cation of readiness .. 257, 1046 p Threpvghree Pomt Military Reservation 47 rnailipgfranksui . . 257,1046

,’ . _ . . .._-
. ,.. distrn ution· seecti n as to localit ·
 Wlll<{;1gl1by Spit Mllltaty Reservation 596 southim cleliveryfa ____________ 3V5S, 1046

2 ---.-..- . .. t hases;' f b'd- to certify tracts of land required for ex- r°i°r°£i..`Y ... ll1.(lIi..[lr. 1258,1046 tendingrnaneuvering grounds, Crow for testing, extension, etc., of forage Creek ational Forest, Wyo 42 or-nps _,,__,_,,__________________ { _ 1647 to estabhsh harbor lines in Kansas River forcollectingfrom foreign countries 258, 1047 W_ 8§K¤¤S3§Er1:)y, . . 1163 fordiistribution, etc.; destruction of warengton or, . . , ouse 565 to furnish tents, provisions, and supplies for deficiency appropriation for purchase and rilref of sufferers from sou ern cy- S ka diitgigrution .,,.,,.,_.,,, 30,518, 942 c 0ue - ...,.. .. 570 ee mp t, purchase of additional supplies author- deiicieircy appropriation for paying French 1166 . _- . _ ·. 572 spoliatron claimto administrator of. . 911 t, n2H§'°.m.‘°"; °2‘i'.§5£f ···· .,:1.;; "” S"°§."p‘$£°p€..**é0£i@i it m , a , ., a u e .. _ for organized mlditia; reports .. 401 Select Committee on Dishibution of Rooms, to issue regulations for navigation of Am- chairman to serve on committee to rearbrose Channel, N .Y., at night, dur-range, etc., Hall of the House of rngimprovements . _. . : . t . . Z 817 Representatives .,. . 1168 South and Southwest Paseo, Mississippi Selma, Alq.,_ _ _ _ River .  : .. 818 appropriation for public building ,,.. 957 to loan tents, {tc., for convention of Elks, 571 Seminole (see also Five Givilized Dallas, ex ... ‘ es to take proceedings to acquire land, etc. approplriation,fortribalschools ,,.. 91,804 beflwéaen Sainlt Marys Falls Canal 8 0 , ’ or lfilging treaties with..,.,,,,,` ... 91, 806 an anadian oundary, etc 2 yment i terest on ca ita i fund..-806 tugboats for use on Potomac River at idyalties iiorii mineral leages to be paid for S ilgaslplingtpn, to have approval of 1066 i benefét of lessor 316 eaetary o ar, existant, interest 0 nation in, to cease June 30, made member of commission t0_ prepare i 1908 .. 316 plans, etc., for District militia ar- l Senate, S mory . 540 appropriation for compensation of Senaecuritrks, , tors . ... 184, S4" available for additional national-bank cir- 54 { £or mileage . i, .. 184, S45 culation. .. . .. 7 Q or secretary to ’ice- i ent, etc. . . 184, 845 colmmercial pager inclu¢Ed . l {or ghaplain . Z i. 1 184,,, 846 esi ationo accepts. e . , or ecretary, assis nt, cer s, etc... 1 ,846 punishmgiirt for forging, etc., to defraud the 5 increased pay .. . 486 _ _ Government .. 1.094 , forsuperintendentdocumentroom, assist- “"‘.°i‘;§‘f.‘f&z,€;,€‘: .. . _ ...,. 6 ml ic. 2&21..°°.$.;;i‘;.;.;;i;;,;.;,;,;;,‘;.;· ;..;.;.;i3’“" **6 punishment for bucketshop dealing m 671 _ tees 185, 846 Securities, U nitad States, , increased pay. ., 846 appropriation ger distinctivte paper .. , for clerikgg committees, at$2,100a year- 186 't , t uction o . ... , at S , a year .. . ... 186 fg; swelaiigssnndssgpamting . 326, 967 for additional for Senate Manual ... 847 im- qancgding, etc , ., 326, 967 for employees paid from contingent for qustopy of rolls, dies, and plates 3263 f gxpensis. Q,. K ... a- E ,.,__ .347 n _,_____ , ,,,. o or i ergesn ·a —. rms an r eeper,

;ii;?4;)n:, for forging, counterfeiting, or 1115 _ assnstaérts, etc 186,38

1 ‘ _ _ _____,__,,. , increase pay ...,..,., issuiirgzltrdg, advertisements similar to..- 1122 for messengers, laborers, pages, etc,. , 186, 343 advertggng on.,). .,c 1123 ger polrpe fogce Senate O ce Burldrng.i86 848 3 4k, 'l[‘ gr, or os mas er, assistants, etc , 849 euigrwbe npplgiiitetlrenmgn in Navy, and for superintendent folding room, etc., 186, 849 rggired .,. . .. 585 ger cpm; engisneeri amistant, etc .. 849 S d';', or c er s to ena ors _ ",849 cpiiiyiiglzmtgfyiaiglidiui-i . . 1089 for contingent expenses, stationery and i ,8 d g' , newspapers . 187, 849 epigiigamnnt for by officer, etc., of vessel of for postage stamps 187, 849 fgmglg passenger _ _,,.. 1143 for orses and mail wagons ...,,._..,, 187, 849