Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1366

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- gf INDEX. clxxix ,, Tea, Impure, _ P¤8¤· Territorial Claims, War with Spain, YW-

 rmportatrons permitted for manufacture of time for presenting, extended  42
 chemical p}r3oducts-_., .. 163 T¢rri¢or•aI_ cme: for Soldiers and Sailors,
 regulations to prescribed  163 appropriation for continuing aid to .. 373, 1012
 T¢9'*°'Q“lP¤; d cnency appropriation for ... 15

g, - classification andjalaiéy oi consulate ... 102 inmates to receive pensions direct . 419

 Telegraph Conmcting apttol and Depart- Terntonal   (sec also Maritime and

sg ments, D. 0., Territorial Jurisdiction, etc.), ,5 , apprlopnation for ... 359, 3,02 extenltg E 1 142 r 0 undergroun ca r . ums ent or m er and mansla hter. 1143 Telegraph, Te etc., Goocrnmmt, P assaults YF . 1143 pcumshment or wilfully mjurmg, etc . 1099 attempt to commit murder or man- Tc phmwq, 4my, _ _ slaughter .--··.·... 1143 gppropnguon for establmhing, at interior rape .,__,___.,,,_,,,,,,___,,___,,,,__, 1143 I)0¤i·¤, 8V! ------------ - ---·----·.. 107, 734 carnal knowledge of female under 16 ,... ~ 1143 for wireless apparatus. - 734 malicious injury to pemn ,__,____ _ _____ 1144 Temple Tea-, robbery . . ... ;. 1144 construction authorized of public building arson of dwelling house ,,,,_________ 1144 at _. . , . 528 arson of government buildings, property, de6c1ency_appropnation for . 484 etc. ., 1144 appro `ation for .. . 957 larceny . ... 1144 Tenders, Service, receiving, etc., stolen goods ..,. 1145 appropriation for completing, for first dis- offenses, etc., under State laws, on govtnct . . 970 ernment places ,..,_ , _ , _ 1145 for repairs to "Pansy" . 973 Territories, competitive bids hereafter for all new appropriation for government in the 212, 877 _ equipment, etc .. . . 973 or elegams from ..,..,_,,_______ 188, 850 Tmmfe, _ for protecting live in coal mines in . 226 classification and salary of consulate ... 102 deficiency appropriation for Oklahoma 12 Tennessee, _ _ Alaska, additional otlioers for district court tents, provisions, etc., to be used for relief in , 839 of cyloone sufferers in .. . 572 district court jurisdiction, etc., modified: 839 appropriation for additional supplies .,.. 572 Hawaii, additional judge for district court. 838 consent of Cong-ess to agreement as to district court jurisdiction . Q- 838 boundary in, and gurisdicuou over, New Mexico, additional justice provided Misissippi River, etween Arkansas for supreme court ,.. 842 and ... . ... 1163 seven districts established, terms, etc , 842 Tennessee Eastern Judicial District, copyright action, etc., cognizable in district terms of court, Chattanooga ... . 591 · _ courts of . . . - 1084 Greeneville ... 591 liability of railroad common carriers in, for Knoxville ·. 591 injuries to employees through neg- Tcmusaee Middle Judicial District, Iect, ctc 65 northeastern division created; counties militia provisions amended 399 composing ... . . 618 twenty-(ive per cent of receipts from naterms, etc., Cookeville ... 618 . tional forests in, to be paid for use terms of court, Nashville ... . .. 591 _0f schools and toads 260 Tennessee River, . Territorwa Omnibus Act appropriation for lighting 334, 972 Alaska, issue of bonds by Valdez, authorfor improvement of, Colbert and Bee 1zed . .. 600 Tree ghnals ,,.,._.,.. . . . . 361, 1001insane persons, contracts for care of . 601 additional contracts authorized for improv- Criminal Code, liquor licenses .. 601 ing, at Hales Bar . .. 817 sale etc., of liquors to Indians, punbridge authorized acres, between Hamlin p 1shment...r., . 603 and Birmingham .. 53 practice of medicine and surgery ... 603 former act repealed 58 isposal of license fees and lines 605 survey of, directed from Knoxville to its Arizona, law authorizing Mohave County to mouth ..., , ..,,,.._.,,..,. 832 issue bonds for court-house, aptime extended for bridging, in Marion _ proved.-., .. , . 605 County, Tenn .,..,,.,...,. 620 issue of refunding bonds by Phoenix, au- Tennessee Rolling Wbrks, Ky., _ ¥·b01'|ZQd; -··------···-------- _·: ·-.- 605 bridge authorized across Cumberland River law authorizing court-house and ]a1l, at ‘ bgtwggu Rome, Tenn., and . 57 Yuma, approved . .. 606 Tents, ctc., Army, issue of bonds y Gila County for courttemporary loan of, permitted for inaugural house and jail, authorized .. 606 cemmonjes _____________ , _...,._.,. 1163 , law authorizing court-house at Saint 1,,;,,, of, my gymmetje festival at Cincinnati, _ Johns, appmved. . ._ ... _. 606 authorized _______________ _ __,_,_,__ 1165 issue of bon s for public roads by Mari- Terminal Station, D. C. (see Union Station, I c0pa County, approved:--, .._,,____ 606 D. C.), Hawaii, act authorizing electric light, etc., T,,,-reg;) Tm,) I company in Wailuku, Island of acquiring site and erecting public building Maui, amended and approved ..,__, 606 af, authorized . 532 act authorizing! electric light, etc., comdcficiency appropriation for .------.·...- 486 pany in ahnmm, Is and of Maui, appropriation for .. - 957 amended and approved . 608