Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1371

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clxxxiv INDEX. Tuberculin,Se2"zL1nAs, etc., Page- { Turkey—Continued. appropriation for purchase cf, for treating ¤ appropriation for interpreters, guards, ctc., diseases of animals . . 255, 1043 at consulates . 181, 682 Tubercul0.~{zL¢,_D. C., _ _ for marshals, consular courts . 181, 682 appmpmmon for regmtmtxou, ctc., of cases- 714 for expenses of prxsoncrs . 181, 682 cases to be reported to health officer, by 26 for rent of prison, and wages of keep- 181 6 2 physicians, hospitals, etc .. : . 1 I GTS .. 8 . examination, etc., of sputum, wuhout § Turks [slam}, ’ charge ______________ _ _____________ 126 cla.ss1Hcation and salary of consulate . 102 record of, to be kept by health officer ..,, 126 Tumgrr, Clargncc H;'. , V _ instructions to prevent sprmd of, to be sup- 126 Clalm ggalixstf gfepk Natwn, referred to 457 plied patients, ew ----- ; --·---·---· ‘ (lu? ° mms --—--—·-----·--·-··-· fumigatiou, etc., of premises, m case of re- _ { TMm6T! Wdlvlm B., _ _ _ moval of patients ________ _ _________ · 126 I daiimqncy appropriation for servmes .. 933 observance of sanitary rules required .. 126 I T'M'P¢7¢¢m{¥, _ _ _ _ _ record, eww of recovery _________ _ ________ 125 [ appropnjmuon for mqumes inQo destrucpumshmaut for violations ________________ 127 _ tion of forests_by production of . 267 prosecutions_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ ____ · pUDlShlI}1€{1t f;)!` ;)OX\Dg, (RC., tl'0€S 011 pub- d · · { { MBS 1C an_ s or . _ .. 1 0 enggggmgggxgx _ _ 497Turtle Mauntazn Band of Chzppewa Indians, registration expenses provided for . 916 ( · Dak- Tuberculosis Hogzyzmz, D. 0., i ?·PP’°P;**‘“°¤ 0* ¤¤m><>r¤ ew-. of -------- 87, 800 appropriation og maintenance .. 305, 721 Tiggggsauljfapamnm to 3U0W69E --·----·—- 801 Tuberculoszs m Davy Cattle, _ .· . . .1 . appropriation for investigation of extent of. 254 T:·FP;3P§8t]0H *¥ ZS3b3i1c bw ding ·-·--····- 958 Tuberculosis, Internatizmal Ccmgress fif! _ w' · .“"t';°‘mf 3 k I appropriation for expenses of participating 179 ”·PP’°Pg:H OH O" Pu lc WO" B: mwa Stain 763 1]] ,,., ,,- . ... . -.. ·· . `````` 'Z"Z `' """' i foreign governments to be invited to send Twelfth L*ght'H°"“ D”mct» , del ‘ payment of expenses of trsmsferring tenegames to, at Washington . 568 d t mt. H Gd MW N““°““l M““°“m and Agricultural Dc- Twmtmh gm; SV"}°”D“ gw ············· 569 partmcut buildings to be used by,. . 479 mceedin tg ·»d · qkmd f d d6fi¤i6¤0y appropriation for expenses". 479 P inggs €0¤ $1111 01‘ W1 611- 649 1"“°" A"’·¤ , a r"r ‘·‘‘························ ' ,' _ ppm r1ationfor . 650 “““° °5££‘2S3f‘TT-?TYY.T‘T“F’T’Y?‘{“f’?‘T“_’E‘}‘_ 34 1 Tw¢Myv‘é}» rnxawy, Cwnpanw B., c., and T ‘Ln,dD`¢`z,N.M., , ·#. ._ Z§“§¥)€L'£€$; b.m’§J§°€m; cm2? at Tum. ; com gfx5g3Q1f; ggmggggviqglg qsgygw gg

"“"’ ’*°"“"" ·········-··-·--------- 45 8¤gibiff?’;r;;e;.‘ ma ‘ kisiahkd x;,;; ‘‘‘‘ 836

Tug Fork,_Bfg Sandy _River, usgjvmcmi q Gen` 837 aPP"°Pmm°“ for lmpmvemcut °f* D°‘m noucommissioncd officers 01* privates rb; Tuqboatsblg 16 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`'`’‘````'‘‘‘ 359’998 eglistiug, to date from time of digmb hav} Hi Wed smokestacks for passing W C mg€"€ ‘```'’‘`‘‘‘` 1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 837 ,,m`§,’§{},‘f,;‘;%°‘°‘““° m”°”"""g°“ ······· }?,§§ T my’r€;`($ii$`$$$;}}YS`r`$Z{$€$3}BYY?'Y??‘}_"{’{°} 837 appwvslecgf$·,<£)<;;;iyé>i;;¥¤;tf;2%g;;i *0* 1066 h tgizgg-$21;; g;;:>;$Yig§i}»€k(£'émmxing 495 — » ·-·· } >r be 1 t K I d.; .. . TWJ5', 1* _ f _ _ b_ fin zitegdigg fgcxmaénggztrgg California 914 regu .;gmns or, towing seagoing Arges m X avenue ___________________'_·______ 914 inland waters to be prescribed .. 428 V Twin City Powe,. Compan r>¤¤¤*¤>* fm ~’i·>¤=~¢i·>¤%— -------—--·------~ 429 4 may dam smmh Esm at DOME Tule River Indian Agency, Cal., ; Creek S_ C_ _ ’ 36 appropriation for support, ctc., of Indians { prices Islénd ____ ```````` 36 3* —---~---·---·-·---··-··--··--·- 77 787; Cr0uchsB1uff, S. 0 Ijfjjffffffff" 3 Tub", Q[°l“·» _ , , _ _ 7former act repealed ., _ ,_________ 3g gcqumng gxta for public budding Kt, 811- Twine, etc., Postal Service, {POF26d -----·- _ - · ; -------·-·—-··--· 535 appropriation for ... Z ,________ _ _____ 416, 669 Tu gleficmncy appropriation for 488 Tying Dqq,·q,cg,g, pom; ,gm~,u, nn! · t, f ...-,,_,__________._·_ Tclgssificsztion and salary of consulate .. 102 Tgllgggéjgglggpsgpjauon gm. ____________ :_?16’ 63E; ’” ei/· . . y , ex., ap mprumon for ambassador to . 171,672 limit of taged bl' b‘ far Secretary vf embassy ---------.--.. 172, 673 dedeigxvlgggimpdéggn _`§1_(¥ug `'`’ ig; . for segzorid secretary, to be a. student of mum Of cm],-t at __________ _ ______`` 50 t e auguage 173,673 T $15 dv M _ ```'``` im: third secretary, m be a student of the ylglgdgg tgathorggci across Marrimag; River _1anguage ..., 173, 673 at _____________ _ ___________ 166 for uxterpreter taembaasy .,.. 173, 674 Typhus Fgm-Y ``` §0r studegt interpreters .. 675 appropriation {Or prevention of epi_ or cost 0 tuition ..,,,,...,...,_ , , _ 675 f demic ______ _ _____ 330 970 for steam launch for embassy . 174 675 . deficieu atj N `'`.` "`tjng ’ for repairs to embassy premmes . . . . ’ 176 V s;r5¤;:&d . S)?. . ir. in ,.,, 10