Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1375

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clxxxvm IN DEX. Vessels, Foreign, 1*286- Virginia iiistern Judimkzl District, P¤8<‘· proceedings against, for offenses against appointment of deputy clerk at Big Stone neutrality ... . .. 1090 Gap ..,... 57 forcible departure of, directed if necessary. 1091 i Vital Statislim, enlistment of transient aliens on armed, in appropriation for transcripts from registratime of peace not forbidden 1091 tion records .. . . 239 punishment for failing to deliver mail by.. 1127 l Vladiwstok, making entry, before delivery of mail... 1127 , appropriation for interpreter at consul- " Wsacls of the United States," E ate . 181,682 construction of phrase 1148 l classification and salary of consulate .. l01 Vessels, Passenger, ~ Volunteer Soldiers' Ilmmzs, daily count of passengers to be kept by I appropriation for expenses of ... 368,1007 master; inspection .. 425 I admission for service in Philippines, China, list instead of count if seagoing, in coast- g or Alaska .. 1012 wise trade . 425 | Volunteers, on Great Lakes on routes exceeding { appropriation for back pay, bounty, and 300 miles ... 425 [ commutation of rations .. 373, 1012 law relating to foreign trade not affected. 425 I deficiency appropriation for back pay . 16 penalty for failure .. 425 for bounty . , .. . . . . 16 licenses required of masters, mates, engi- l for commutation of rations ... 16 neers, and pilots of all steam ... 425 I for Florida . . ... 28 masters of sail, over 700 tons 425 for pay, etc., Oregon and Washington- - . 28, of all other over 100 tons, carrying pas- I 519, 940 sengers for hire . . .. 425 { for refund to States, expenses of raising,. 516 making tnweekly or more trips with foreign t Votefar President and Vice-President, Electoral, ports, exemcpt from entry, etc., fees. 424 { appropriation for printing ascertainment of. 380 steerage accomm ations requued on, from I or messengers conveying ... 381 or to foreign countries ... 583 Vouchers, Waals, Steam, g accepting, etc., by disbursing officers for licenses required of masters, mates, engi- amounts other than paid, deemed neers, and pilots of all .. 425 conversion . 1106 Veteran Volunteer Firemerfs Association, Vouchers, for Public Property, D. C., punishment for presenting, making, etc., use oi engine house occupied by, extended false . .. 556 to Oldest Iuhabitanti Association .. 590 officers giving, without full knowledge of Wtorinarrkms, Army, correctness . 556 appropriation for pav; longevity 113, 738 I Vice—Pre»~ident of the United States, , W. appropriation for compensation . 196, 859 Xu secretary, messenger, etc .. 184,845 . W K. Nirer Coal Company, Vicksburg, Miss., deficiency appropriation for refund of du- t acquiring site for public building at, au- ties to ,..., Q. . . 912 · thorized ... 534 i WStrect N W, D. C., deficiency appropriation for . 488 1 deficiency apprcopriation for extending , 914 Vicksburg National Military Par/c, Miss., Waaddah Island, J aah Bay, Orcg., appropriation for continuing establishment appropriation for wharf, etc., for Revenue of . . 366,1006 Cutter, and Life-Saving Service 322 for naval memorial ... 366, 1006 Wabash, Ind., Vicksburg Railway and Light Company, f acquiring site and erecting public building deficiency appropriation for electric cur- at, authorized ,..,, 529 rent, iiiciisburg, Miss., custom- deficiency appropriation for ... 485 house .. . ... -.- 909 g Wabash River, In . and Ill., " Vi:-ksburg/’ UZ S. S., preliminary examination of, to be made... 825 transfer to Revenue·Cutter Service author- , use oi waters by Mount Carmel Developized ,.. 322 ment Compan revoked . $19 i’i¢·taria, leases of power from dam at Mount ( ‘armel. - 815) classification and salary of consulate .. 101 Wagner, C ristian, Vivtorm, Ta., audit directed of claims of heirs of, destrucacquiring site and erecting public building tion of Northern Liberty Market, at, authorized .. . .. 532 D. C . . . 1061 de·fi<·ie·m·y appropriation for . 486 Wagon Road Grants, Ureg., Vienna, proceedings to be instituted for forfeiture of classification and salary of <-onsulate-gem certain ... . 571 eral ,..,..,__ _ ,,,_.,,..,... 101 Wagon S`wrir·r, Mail, Vinous Liquors (see alxo intoxicating Liq- appropriation for ... . ... 412, 666 uors`1, icago, Ill., contracts authorized. . 412, 666 carrying, in mails forbidden ,.. 418 deficiency appropriation for . 510, 943 Virginia, Wah—qua-bm:-ku Band of Pottawatomie Inappropriation for Indian Service in .. 95, 812 rlians, Wrgmia, Minn., sale of allotments and transfer of Indians acquiring site and erecting public building authorized . 791 at, authorized . 530 j Wahmwa Water Company (Limited), deficiency appropriation for . 485 ; granted right of way through public lands, _ appropriation for ... 958 * Hawaii 611