Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/162

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144 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1908. ¤=‘=‘~*=··"#=**"  :::.g:jg{g.§:r.¥::;:.“:;r:.:k£°.;:*::.t.;·;‘.¢sri.·:si.’r:*.3.(::lt ten thousand 0 rs. lZ•_y;°*$°¤¤‘l·.W**l*· For naval magazine, navy-yard, Pu et Sound Washington: One fuze · L °lm°gm¤°` house, two thousand two hundred dcdlars; one, observation magazine, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; one magazine, seven thousand dollars; one watchman’s house, four thousand five hundred dollar;} one stable, page thpusand iiyenhundred dollars; railroad system teen thousand our un o rs. Irl all, thirty-four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

ghgn Torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island: Steel track, six hundred

` and ii y dollars; new water main across harbor, three thousand five hundred dollars; additional machinery for torpedo factory, fifty thousand dollars; in all, fifty-four thousand one hundred and fifty ollars. rmst-un, rn. NdVY—YéRD, Pnnsacou, Fpomm: For navy-yard, Pensacola, Flloxridaz (ionstructiogpf water tapk tower, five thousaiid dollarsi <>¤<>¤ v<>· P· I- svn. nueazmn ouearo, mnrrrmn SLANDS2 or nava sta- N"5. ° °' tion, Olongapo, Philippine Islands: One chemical laboratory for test- ' ing smokeless powder, two thousand dollars; one set of quarters for inspector of ordnance and powder, six thousand dollars. _ otal public works under Bureau of Ordnance, one hundred and fifty- two thousand three hundred and sixty dollars. mggrenu of Equir rrmmo wonxs U1v1>1=m numéau or EQUIPMENT. J {§;f,{,§f,’,”:‘f,',{‘{{P_‘}{;_ Navar. Onsnnvaronrz Grounds and_ roads:_ Continuing grading, extelngipg roads and paths, clearing and improving grounds, ten thou- · san dollars. _ m§,¤;¤¤¤f}¤¤¢¤¤· runmc wonxs Ummm BUREAU or MEDICINE AND soaomzr. {mg, ma, Ntwill l10Splful, Annapolis, Maryland: For the erection of new wards, eightydive thousand dollars. ‘ . N¤rf<>¤k.V•- Naval _ ospital, Norfolk, Virginia: For the renovation of the present hospital buildings and for the erection of new wards, to cost not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars, as authorized by the Act of {])on(gre3st:pprovgddJ{;ne twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and six, one un re thousand dollars. °’°“‘L°"°*· Naval hospital, Great Lakes: For the erection of naval hospital buildings to cost not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dol- _ lars, one hundred thousand dollars. ""***‘S""“‘?·““*"· Naval hospital, Puget Sound, Washington: For the completion of naval hospital buildings, seventy-five thousand dollars, (total cost not \‘¤1.m.¤·.1u•¤ 3 exceed Xue hip/}drch and tgfty thousanld d(pl;a{·s,) as authorized by e nava ct o arc secon , nineteen un r a d ·e . Total public works under Bureau of Medicine arhd 5Shi·lgery, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Murine (`Mp!. PUBLIC \VORKS., MARINE CORPS. hrii°}`f;.$hiZh¤..-r-, ,F°‘;tth*;°°mF1‘;1§°'* Of 5“5"H‘° lmrmcks, ¤¤VY·}'=H‘d, Boston, Massata-. c inse s, wen y thousand dollars. xw ww. rc. v. V For the completion of the storehouse, marine barracks, navy-yard, New I ork, Lew York, thirty thousand dollars. r·»m...nei,.ni..,1»... Barracks and quarters, Marine Corps: To complete three officers' gpzirtenx, maripel tiarracks, navy·yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, een ousam dollars. ¤·m-mm- cl ground. To complete the quarterinastefs depot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the ppircglase of grénrpd adjoming such building, and addition to depot, seven v thousand dollars. .. . _ Forlthe completion of officers’quarter ,rnari e ba ks · ·- d Mrfoumu Norfolk, Virginia, five thousand dollarsé H limo ina`) yar i