Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/212

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194, SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 186. 1908. dollars each; for arrears of sorting and collating and to enable periodical reading room to be olpen in the evenings, two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, ten thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. _ D°°¤¤°¤*¤· Documents: For chief of division, three thousand dollars; assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; stenographer and typewriter, mne hundred dollars; assistant, seven hundred an twenty do lars; messenr, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, six thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. _ M·¤¤~¤¤1>¤»Manuscript: For chief of division, three thousand dollars; chief assistant, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant, nine hundred dollars; messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, hve thousand seven undred and sixty dollars. _ MPM °*’”"- Mapsand charts: For chief of division, three thousand dollars; assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; assistant, seven hundred and twenty dollars; messenger _ boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, seven thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. ¥¤¤*°- Music: For chief of division, two thousand dollars; assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant, one thousand dollars; two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; messenger boy three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, six thousand two undred dollars. P¤¤¤· Prints: For chief of division, two thousand dollars; assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; messenger, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, five thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. S¤ai¢¤¤¤¤*¤¤ ¤°· Smithsonian deposit: For custodian, one thousand five hundred dolmd lars; assistant, one thousand four hundred dollars; messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; messenger be , three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, three thousand nine hundred, and eighty dollars. em¤: l Ref- Congressional Reference Library: For custodian, one thousand five ' hundred dollars; assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant, nine hundred dollars; assistant, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two messenger be s, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, five thousand and iiorty dollars. U"' l·“*¤¤· Law Library: For law librarian, two thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; messenger, nine hundred dollars; assistant for evening service, one thousand live hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand seven hundred dollars.

    • ·PY"·='**°*“°°- Corrmeirr orrxci-1, under the direction of the Librarian of (Jongress: Register of copyrights, three thousand dollars; assistant register of co yrights, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk and

chief of hookkeeping division, two thousand dollars; chief of a plication division, two thousand dollars; two clerks, at one thousand) eight hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; eight clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each: ten clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; thirteen clerks, at nine hunihed dollars each; two clerks, at eight hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two clerks, at six hundred dollars each; two messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each. Arrears, special service: Three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; porter, seven hundred and twenty dollars; messenger bov, three hundred and sixty dollars: in all, seventy-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. ¢’•¤di¤¤¢¤¤·*· Disrnrmrriox or elmo ixoxx ns: For service in connection with the distribution of card indexes and other publications of the Library, including not exceeding five hundred dollars for freight charges. expressagc, and traveling expenses connected with such distribution, sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars.