Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/238

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220 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 186. 1908. dred dollars; two nautical experts, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one nautical expert, at one thousand three hundred dollars; two nautical experts, ut one thousand two hundred dollars each; four nautiml experts, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one custodian of archives, one thousand two hun— dred dollars; three copyists; one ccpyist, eight hundred and forty dollars; two copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollarseach; one_c0m— piler, one thousand four hundred dollars; editor of Notice to Mariners, one thousand six hundred dollars; one computer, one thousand four hundred dollars; three draftsmen, aj: one thousand eight hundred dol- · lars each; four dmftsmen, atone thousand six hundred dollars each; two draftsmen,at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two draftsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; five draftsmen, ut; one thousand dollars each; one draftsmam, nine hundred dollars; three apprentice dmftsmen, at seven hundred dollars each; one chief engraver, two thousand dollars; two engmvers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; three engravers, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one engmver, one thousand four hundred dollars; six engruvers, at one - thousand two hundred dollars each; two enfmvers, at one thousand dollars each; one eugmver, seven hundred an twenty dollars; one apprentzice engmver, eight hundred dollars; one apprentice engruver, seven hundred dollars; one chief plate printer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one plate printer, one thousand two hundred dollars; one plate rinter, one thousand dollars; two plate printers, ut nine hundred dollars each; one plate printer, eight undred dollars; one apprentice late printer, seven hundred dollars; one apprentice plate printer, six hundred dollars; one chief lithogm her, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two lithogrnphers, at one tliousand dollars each; one a prentice lithographer, seven hundred dollars; one electrotyper andpcbnrt late maker, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant messenger; ¥our laborers; two helpers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two hel rs, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; one helper, six hundred dollars; one helper, five hundred dollars; one helper, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, one hundred and two thousand two hundred dollars. M“‘°"’“’“· For purchase of copperplates, steel plates, chart aper, packing boxes, chart portfolios, electrotypin copper lates, cleaning copperplates; tools, instruments, power, and muteriuqs for drawing, engravmg, and printing; materin s for and mounting charts; reduction of charts by photography; photolithogra lling charts for immediate use; transfer of photohthogmphiu and other charts to cop r; care and repairs to printing presses, furniture, instruments, nndw tools; extra drawing and engrewinv; translating from foreign languages; telegrams

  • ’**<·¢<¤¤·¤· on public business; the preparation of the Pilot Chart and sup lements, and the printin and mailin of the same; and urehase of diem

for charts and sailing rections and other nautical publications; works and periodicals relating to hydrogmphy. marine meteorology, navigation, surveying, oceanography, and terrestrial magnetism, seven thousand dollars. <—iiiiiiii§ZiiE»?{lém·. Contingent expenses of branch offices at Boston, New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Portland (Maine), Chicago, Cleveland, Port Townsend, Buffalo, Duluth, Sault Sainte Marie, and Galveston, including furniture, fuel, lights, stationery. miscellaneous articles, rent; and care of offices, care of time balls, car fare and ferriage in visiting merchant vessels, freight and express charges, telegrams, and other neeessarv expenses incurred in collecting the latest; information for the Pilot Chart, and for other purposes for which the offices were established, . eleven thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤v¥<¤v¢¤S· For services of necessary employees at branch oilzices. seventeen thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. _