Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/248

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230 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 186. 1908.

 *°°"“”°Y- For rent of basement of the addition to the main building of the

Mm 0mm1c` Geological Survey, required for additional storage of documents, maps, and so forth, and for work room, one thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of additional office accommodations for the Geological Survey in the main building of the Survey, Washington, District of _ Colgigbiiz (formerly occupied by the Reclamation Service), three thousan dollars. P°“°’¥°"‘““P“· For postage stamps for the Department of the Interior and its bureaus, as required under the Posta Union, to prepay postage on matter

 to Postal Union countries, three thousand dollars.

B¤"°¥°*‘*·¤°¤°¤'- snirviurons-enurziur. AND main cmcmrs. mh For surveyor-general and ex officio secretary of the district of Alaska, four thousanddollars; clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars; in all, eleven thousand dollars. - _ For rent of offices for surveyor-_general, pay of messenger, stationery, printing, binding, drafting instruments, typewriters,_books of reference for oltiice usphfigrniture, fuel, lights, and other mcidental e enses, twothousand ol ars. ·'·¤=°¤¤· Xgor surve or-general of the Territory of Arizona, two thousand tive hundred dolllsrs; and for the clerks in his office, eight thousand dollars; in all, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office for the surveyor-general, stationery, binding records, drafting supplies, books of reference for office use, typewriter and reps.' repairs of furniture, freight and drayage, film cases, draftingtldhles, and other incidental ezzpenses, one thousand d<5lars. °¤m·>¤’¤*·· For surveyor-general of California, ree thousand dollars; and for the clerks in his office, eleven thousand four hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand four hundred dollars. ' For pay of messengpr, stationery, binding records, repairing maps, repairs to locks, cloc s, furniture, batteries, and t writer, towels, te ephone, books of reference for office use, andrldther incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. ¤•>¤¤¤¤¤· or surveyor-general of the State of Colorado, three thousand dollars; and for the clerks of his omce, seventeen thousand two hundred and twentygivieiu dollars; in all, twenty thousand two hundred and twent —five o rs. F cry rent of office for the surveyor—gencral, pay of messenger, stationery, printing and binding, furniture and repairs, muslin for mounting plats, drafting instrunwnts, record books, indexing volumes of letters, ice, tclephone,Hpost—office box rent and re ister stamps, books of reference for office use, typewriter. and other incidental ex enses, four thousand dollars. l“‘*“°· For surveyor-general of Idaho, three thousand dollars; and for the cilerks ir? hlis ogiceé tefpdthousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirteen t ousanc 've un re ollars. . For pay of messenger, stationery, bindinguprinting, drafting instruments, post—oti‘ice box rent. furniture, typewriters, ice, books of reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, one thousand dollars. L¤¤i~i¤¤·» For surveyor-general of Louisiana, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and for the clerks in his office, six thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand six hundred dollars. For messeniger, stationery, binding records, books of reference for office use. an other incidental expenses, seven hundred dollars. ¤¤~>¤¤·¤¤- For surveyor-general of Montana, three thousand dollars; and for the fplprgs in his office, thirteen thousand dollars; in all, sixteen thousan dollars. For pay of messenger. lights, postoffice box rent, ice. stationerv, printing, binding, furniture, books of reference for office use, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred dollars.