Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/251

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 186. 1908. 233 nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; four assistant messengers; one laborer; two pages, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, eighty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Division of postmasters’ appointments: Su rintendent, three thou- S,,f§,PP°*“*'°°““ ‘“'i‘ sand dollars; two assistants, at two thousand dollars each; three clerks ` of class four; fifteen clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; and two messengers; in all, sixty- three thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. _ Division of city delivery: Superintendent, three thousand dollars; Sig',? “°“'°" ‘“"*‘ assistant superintendent, two thousand dollars; three clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; seven clerks of class one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger, and one laborer; in all, twenty-eight thousand three hundred dollars, _ . _ Orrrcn Sncoma Assmur Posmnsrmn-Gnnnnn.: For Second P§,$,,‘§§,‘Q,‘},,";,“{‘,‘§§‘Q,‘}f Assistant Postmaster—General, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, two ¢l¤*¤·¢*¢· _ thousand five hundred dollars; superintendent division of railway ,,,§,'§{,§'v§‘,{,,,,f"l’“"" adjustments, three thousand dollars; assistant superintendent division ` ofrailway adjustments and law clerk, two thousand two hundred and _ _ _ lift dollars; superintendent, division of foreign mails, three thousand ,,f,{f’°*“ '““"S d‘“` dollars; chief c erk, division of foreign mails, two thousand dollars; chief, division of inspection two thousand dollars; chief, division of contracts, two thousand dollars; chief, division of equipment, two thousand dollars; fourteen clerks of class four; forty-one clerks of class three; thirty-five clagjgsof class two; tvmnty-eight clerks of class one; eighteen clerks, at o$.thousand dollars each; six clerks at nine hundred dollars each; memenger in charge of mails, nine hundred dollars; seven assistant messengers; in all, two hundred and twenty- six thousand four hundred and ninety dollars. _ Division of railway mail service: General superintendent, four ;,,£°"lw°" mm ""` thousand dollars; assistant general superintendent, three thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, office of general su rintendent, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four; five clerd; of class three; six clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; in all, forty thousand three hundred dollars. Th. d A mm Orrxcn Tmnn Assrsnxr Posrmasmn-Gmsnmnz For- Third Assist- Pmtmlahwr-Gctvral, ant Postmaster-General, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thou- °’;$;°"5_vm n sand five hundred dollars; superintendent division of stamps, two "°° ‘ thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; superintendent division of finance, who shall give bond in such amount as the Postmaster-General may determine for the faithful discharge of his duties, two thousand two hundred and fift dollars; assistant superintendent division of _ _ finance, two thousand dhllars; superintendent, division of classification, ,,,§}f"”‘“°““"“ dl"' two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; six special agents, division of classification, at two thousand dollars each; chief division of RB mem ummm_ redemption,_two thousand dollars; superintendent division of regis- mail. tered mails, two thousand five hundred dollars; six assistant superintendents division of registered mails, at two thousand dollars each; nine clerks of class four; twenty-three clerks of class three; thirtp-two clerks of class two; fortv-five clerks of class one; thirty-one cler s, at one thousand dollars each; twenty clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; five assistant messengers; twelve laborers; one page, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, two hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy dollars. _ _ _ ,,8, mem etc For per diem allowance for assistant superintendents, division of nsgn¤,ma Anus Pégistered mails, when actually traveling on business of the Post-Office °‘“*‘°"· Department, at a rate to be Hxed by the Postmaster—General, not exceeding four dollars, and for other actual and necessary traveling