Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/26

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8 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 23, 24, 27. 1908. Y°‘- 3* P- “· rovisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridgps over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, mneteen uudred and six. ·'*~'¤°¤**¤°¤*~ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby _ expressly reserved. Approved, February 13, 1908. F°l“""“'Y {*-19** CHAP. 24.-An Act To create a new division of the northern judicial district of is- ”°·] Texas and go prtoyide for terms of court at Amarillo, Texas, and for a clerk for said [pm,uc,N0_z;,] com-t, an oro er purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe{v·esentatives of the United rexss nonnemju- States 0 America in Con ress assembled That the counties of Li s- g 7 , p` ‘H§‘§§,‘,¥fvt§§,'°;, csmb. comb, Hemphill, Wheeler, Collingsworth, Childress, Cottle, King, 1*},*;;*-2, 6, Dickens, Motley, Hall, Donley, Gray, Roberts, Ochiltree, Hansford, 1:. s., sé€`s4a] p. sz. Hutchinson, Carson, Armstrong, Briscoe, Floyd, Crosby, Lubbock, ‘ Hale Swisher Randall otter Moore Sherman Hockley Cochran Bsnéy, rama}, Dallam, Hartley, oid1mm, nai smith, dem), ami Lamb shall constitute a division of the northern judicial district of exas. '1‘¤¤¤¤ M ·¤¤¤ri11¤- Sec. 2. That the terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the said northern district of Texas shall be held twice each year at of Amarillo, in Potter County, Texas, beginnin on the third Monda of A ril and the fourth Monda of Se m beg] h Y P Y P` m r in eac year. etgmuru of process. Sec. 3. Thatfalicivil proceiss issped against persons resident in the ' said counties 0 ipscomb cmp ill heeler Collingsworth Chil- · dress, Cottle, King, Dickehs, Motley; Hall, Ddnley, Gray, Rdberts, Ochiltree, Hansford, Hutchinson, Carson, Armstron , Briscoe, Floyd, Crosby, Lubbock, Hale, Swisher, Randall, Potter, Tloore, Sherman, Hockley, Cochran, Bailey, Parmer, Dallam, Hartley, Oldham, Deaf Smith, Castro, and Lamb, and cognizable before the United States courts, shall be made returnable to the courts, respectively, to be held at thefcitydof Amarillo, apdball pnésecutions for offenses committed in any o said counties s al e trie in the appropriate U it d St te Izjmzao. t court at the city of Amarillo: Provided, Tliiit go proces; igsued? ob ,,,,,‘§{’,,,§{"—' °‘“““ ”° prosecutions commenced, or suits instituted before the passage of this Act, shall be in any way affected by the provisions hereof, and that all persons who have committed offenses against the United States in an of the counties mentioned in this bill prior to the passage of this Adi; shall be prosecuted and tried as if this Act had not been passed. OMG M mm11G- 4. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts of said division shall maintain an office, in char e of themselves or a deputy, at the said city of Amarillo, which shal¥be kc t o en at all times for . . P P the transaction of the business of said division. Approved, February 14, 1908. i · 5, . CHAP. 27.-——A A·t M k`` . ‘ · · g "`iY»?T‘i‘<f{;i;·£.‘iY°” ..,,,...,,,.»i..,.., i...1‘hJmi,?é`逻Z‘$$iE'2.§’,’}“L?.2’1l.iZ`Z£iE}’i5¤`Li$‘é?.ti£$.*lf§§.3"§I§Zi Z} iii? gputup, xt. ei.] and for pnor years, and for other purposes, g ’ _ _ __ Be it enacted by the $'e2wte0ndIbu~e rfRe r .t tY tl;. U ' ,,}p{$§2{,,?§2§_‘e““’9“ Smtes efAme7·a`ca in KOmgre~s assembled. Tlilatgilhyd liolljdfvijrivg sfiimzzbzl and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas; ury pot oithexavispi aplpropriate , to slupply deficiencies in the appropria ions or ie sca year nineteen undred a dl t d f ’ years, and for other objects hereinafter stated, riiaiiiidlyzi an or pmol-