Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/266

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248 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 190. 1908. Fulufgtf fm; avenue, from Fifth street west to Sixth street west; and upon neglect iigiiigi. " or refusal of said companies to remove their respective tracks and to repave, repair, restore, and make good said space to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners within the time above limited, any said street railway company so neglecting or refusing shall be deemed $°‘f“;" lm guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalty provided °` ’p`in section seven hundred and ten of the Code of Laws for the District _ _ of Columbia regardin the removal of abandoned tracks, and said m$,°$Z`?l$€$?°°i°m°y Commissioners are audhorized without notice to remove said tracks and to repave the space occupied by same and charge the cost thereof iiii»ifeo,p.1os. to such railroad company, whatever may be the manner or cost of doing said work, and to collect the cost thereof in the manner provided in section five of an Act of Congress entitled "‘An Act to provide , a permsgieynt foiim oflhgoveinmenlt fqlr tihe (District of Clolumbia," . . a rove une e even , ei teen un re an sevent -eig t. Tm€°i°°mpi°il0n' pSec. 6. That the constriiition of the underground electric street railway lines in this Act hereinbefore mentioned shall be commenced within thirt days and completed on or before May first, nineteen _ hundred and, nine; and in default of such commencement or comple- F°"°““'°‘ tion within said time or within the extension of time by this section specified, all corporate rights, franchises, and privileges of any street _ railway com ny so in default shall immediate y cease and determine: ii-gi;"°&i¤y be ex- Hovided, Thin; the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may, fegegeium for good cause shown in writing, extend the time for completion; but _the said Commissioners shall in no case grant such extension for a longer period than six months. V / J¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤z¤· Sec. 7. That where the route or routes provided for in this Act coincide with each other or with the route or routes of existing street railways or street railways hereafter authorized to be operated or constructed, one set of double tracks only shall be constructed and shall Terms. be used in common, upon terms mutually agreed upon, or, in case of _ Disagreemenrs ad- disagreement, upon terms determined by the supreme court of the

ciiihiieieiiiliiiiiiciiie District of Columbia, which is authorized and directed to give notice

and hearings to the interested parties and to fix and finally determine pmt-xm. Y _ the terms of the joint trackage: Prowidecl, That there shall be two SQ{§‘},$§”g° °° Lum sets of double tracks immediately in front of the main entrance to the Union Station, facing Massachusetts avenue, the most northerly rail being not less than seventy feet from the axis of the south portico of _ _ _ said station. §;‘;f_?'$;Q;‘nQ‘Qh;;; Sec. 8. That authority is hereby given the Commissioners of the tm. District ot Columbia to use such portions of reservation numbered seventyseven as may in their judgment be necessary for sidewalks and roadways and for street railway use. And authority is hereby . §gI*;j}gj;gf’·Q'{j-__ of given said Commissioners to acquire by purchase or to condemn, in forstrcct purposes. accordance with existing law, for street purposes, so much of square numbered six hundred and twenty-six, lying north of the north build- C t Hb A CW ing line of square numbered five hundred and sixty-seven, extended, rmiS,.i°$Z,r(.¤°iscrifa`·`¢r as they may deem necessary, and the cost of acquiring said property R**il*°¤d"°mP*‘“>`· as above shall be paid by the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad fj;?;:;;-tion of 1mg_ Company: I ’rm·a`¤/»:¢/, That where a portion of any lot is authorized to `be acquired as above the said Commissioners may, in their discretion, mPortio(n é;§‘_xpA;$; acquire the entire lot; the portion thereof, when so acquired, lying , ,.U§§,*"[,,f}l p,,,,;,,,;,, south of the north building line of square numbered five hundred and R¤il¤>¤d ¤°¤*P¤¤Y· sixty-seven, extended, to become the property of said Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company as soon as the entire cost of acquisition as above specified shall be paid by it. mY;3g¥;;;·i»*¥$>* meets Snr. 9. That whenever. in the construction of the new tracks herein ' authorized, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia deem it necessary, in order to reasonably accommodate vehicular traflic, to