Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/278

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260 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 192. 1908. Total for salaries and general expenses, Forest Service, three million two hundred and ninety-six thousand two hundred dollars. m;$r§°mmtmPmv° And there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, to be expende as the Secretary of Agriculture may direct, for the construction and maintenance of roads, trails, bridges, fire lanes, telephone lines, cabins, fences, and other permanent improvements necessary for the proper and economical administration, protection, and develo ment of the National Forests. Total) for Forest Service three million eight hundred and ninety-six thoiiqmld two hundred doélars. f an d f P· =¤¤¤* *9* T thereafter twenty- ve per centum o money receive rom m.m mm m- each forest reserve during any fiscal year, including the (year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, shall be at the en thereof by the Secretary of the Treasury to the State or Territory in which said reserve is situated, to be expended as the State or Territorial lelature ma prescribe for the benefit of the public schools _ and publids roads of the county or counties in which the orest reserve §'§‘,§'{.’g,e,, between is situated: Provided, That when any forest reserve is in more than $***8*- one State or Territory or county the distributive share to each from the proceeds of said reserve shall be proportional to its area therein. m§¤¤’<=¤¤ °* °**°*¤*S· scams or CHEMISTRY. S¤*¤*¤=- Sxmnms, Bmmxn or Cnmnsrnr: One Chemist, who shall be Chief of Bureau, five thousand dollars; one chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two clerks, class four; four clerks, class three; six clerks, class two; one property clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; nine clerks, class one; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant pro rty custodian, nine hundred dollars; ten clerks, at nine hundred dollsrs each; one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; two messengers, at eight hundred and fort dollars each; one skilled mechanic, nine hundref dollars; three skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one skilled laborer, six hundred dollars; one fireman, six hundred dollars; three messengers or laborers, at six hundred dollars each; three messengers or laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; two messengers or laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, sixty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. mu¤m¤¤·yex1>e¤s¤¤· Lanoaxroxr, DEPARTMENT or Aoarourxrunsz General expenses, Bureau of Chemist : Chemical apparatus. chemicals, and su plies, repairs to engine andyapparatus, gas and electric current, oliieial travcling and other expenses. telegraph and tele hone service, express and freight charges. labor and expert work andp all necessar expenses in conducting investigations in this Bureau in the city of Vilashmgton and elsewhere, and in collating, digesting, reporting, and illustrating the results of such investigations; for the rent of buildings in the city of Washington and elsewhere; to continue collaboration with other Departments of the Government desiring chemical investigations and whose heads request the Secretary of A riculture for such assistance, and for other miscellaneous work; to iemonstrate and illustrate the nsusmreu memmi. methods for the making of denatured alcohol on a scale suitable for I { U fwd gtilization the fzirmer, or associatiorgl ofhfarmers; tohenalple the

      • 8* *8** **·‘¥ `ecretary o gricu ture to investigate e c aracter of the c emical

pmdumm expo"` and physical tests which are applied to American food products in foreign countries, and to inspect before shipment, when desired by the shippers or owners of these food products, American food products intended for countries where chemical and physical tests are required before said food products are allowed to be sold in the countries men-