Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/286

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288 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 192, 193. 1908. _ Upper Pond d’Oreille, and such other Indians and persons holdmg _ tribal relations or may rightfully belong on said Flathead Indian Reservation, the a praised value of said lands as shall be fixed and deter- Vol.8$»P·”?~ mined under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and four, entitled_ “An Act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale F•>¤¤r1¤s· M- and of all su lus lands after allotment."And the Secretaxéy of Agricultnue is hergby authorized and directed to inclose said lan s with a good and substantial fence and to erect thereon the necessary sheds and buildings for the proper care and maintenance of the said b1son ; _ and there is hereby appropriated therefor the sum of ten thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary; in all, forty thousand dollars. ,,,f_“,}§*,‘[,'—f"°’ ""° numaomucr Arrnornrsnons. mgvvwl ¤¤·* *·¤>*¤ Pnmvmrrrou or sramn or moms: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to meet the emergency caused by the continued spread of the gypsy and brown tail moths, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated and made immediately available. And the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to expend said appropriation by estab ishing a quarantine againstsuch furt er spread in such manner as he sha deem best, in cooperation with the authorities of the different States concerned and with the State exlperiment stations. I §g¤t;c1;=‘¤ ¤•*¤¤ Enxpiosrxno cams nous: or Bureau of Animal Industry: To ° enable the Secretary of Agriculture to continue work in cooperation with State authorities in eradicating the ticks transmitting southern cattle fever, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, of which sum twenty-five thousand dollars shall be immediately available. Total carried by this bill for the Department of Agriculture, eleven million six hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred and six dollars. Approved, May 23, 1908. may 2%.1908. CHAP. 193.-Au Act Amending the Act of January fourteenth, eighteen hundred [S- `“°°·] _ and eighty-nine, and Acts amendatory thereof, and for other purposes. Public, No. 137. [ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lfqrresewttatives of the United

Q,%f‘§{;“,.OmS{ W States of America in Lbngress assembled, That there is hereby created

smxunea m. in the State of Minnesota a national forest consisting of lands and territory described as follows, to wit: ¤¤·¢¤’*P¤°¤- Beginning at a point where the north line of section thirty-one in township one hundred and forty-eight north, range twenty-eight west, fifth (principal meridian, intersects the low water mark of the lake forme by the waters of Third River; thence easterly along the north line of sections thirty-one, thirty-two, thirt *-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, and thirty-six in township one hundred and forty-eight north, ranges twenty-eight and twenty-seven west, continuing easterlv along the north line of section thirty-one in township one hundred and forty-eight north, range twenty-six west, to a point where said line intersects the low water mark of Bow String Lake on the west shore; thence southerly along the west side of said lake at low water mark to a point where it crosses the section line between sections sixteen and seventeen in township one hundred and forty-seven north, range twenty-six west; thence southerly along the section line on the east side of sections seventeen, twenty, twenty-nine, and thirty-two in township one hundred and forty-seven north, range