Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/302

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284 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 198. 1908. um{;m3*· P- ’“· entitled ‘“An Act authorizing the extension of Second street nough- ` west, from Elm street nort to Brxnt street, of W street from its present terminus west of Flagler p e to Second street, and of W street west of Second street eustwardly to Second street,” be? and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the words " within rhirty days after the pawn? of this Act," where they occur in said section· Northeast. street, North Csgntol str0et_ to Lincoln road, pave thirty-two feet wide, two thousan five hundred dollars; Northwest. Manor street and Luray lace, Warder street to Park place, and Warder street, northwest, Ldgnor street to Luray place, grade and improve, five thousand dollars; Northwest. Rittenhouse street u11d_ Western avenue, Rpck Creek Ford road to Clhezry Chase circle, grade and improve, seven thousand Evo hundred do ts; Streets in Anacostia, grade and improve, four thousand dollars; Northwest. Ingraham street, Brightwood avenue to Ninth street, grade and improve, one thousand eight hundred dollars; · _ Northwest. Ontario place, grade and improve, two thousand five hundred dollars; . Northwest. In leside Terrace, grade and improve, three thousand ci ht hundred dolirs; ` iiortheast. Kearney street, Twelfth to Thirteenth street, grade, one thousand eign: hundred dollars; Northwest. merson street, Brightwood avenue to Fourteenth street, macadamize, provided the street shall iirst lie graded free of cost. to the District of Columbia, four thousand eight hundred dollars; In all, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred dollars. R¤1>•i¤· ¤¤=· Bmmms mnnms, Avmmms, Am) Anmszrs: For current work of repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, including resurfacing end repairs to concrete pavements with the same or other not inf:-mor material, three hundred thousand dollars, to be immediately available; and this appropriation shall be available for repairing the pavements of the street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad company as provided by section five of vo;. m_ ,,1;; "An Act providing u permanent form of government for the District of C0lumbia," approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventveight, and shall be de sited to the credit of the appropriation for tHe fiscal year in which tgsy are collected. ¤i¤¤w¤¤¤==- For replacing and repairin sidewalks and curbs around public reservations am municipal buiffdings, seven thousand dollars. uxfgéxmgggé That the street: in the District of Columbia now known and desigm¤iga» avenue um mated as Brightwood avenue shall hereafter be known and designated as

 ‘° '”°"°““° Georgia avenue, and the street now known and designated as Georgia ·

'uvenue shall hereafter be known and designated as Potomac avenue. ""**¤’>""°"’· Rmmms corwrr 1:0,ms: For current work of repairs of county roads and suburban streets, one hundred thousand dollars, and three

 thousand dollars of this sum shall ho immediately available.

“"d•`*"’· ERIDGESI For construction and repairs of bridges, twenty thousand o ars.

  • "¤“"•Y ’“"'*¤°· Highway bridge across Potomac River: For salaries of two draw

operators, at one thousand and twenty dollars each; one draw 0 rator, seven hundred and twenty dollars: four watchmen, at six Edndrcd dollars each; for labor, one thousand five hundred dollars; and for lighting, power, and miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of everv kind necessarily incident to the operation and maintenance of the hrid e and approaches, nine thousand three hundred and fortv dollars; in ad, sixteen thousand dollars. ` br;{;_<‘¤¤¤*· 1*-**** Operation of the Anacostia River bridge: For salaries of employees, 'miscellaneous supplies, und expenses of every kind necessurv to the Spemtion and maintenance of the bridge, five thousand six Hundred 0 ars. ‘