Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/318

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300 SIXTIETH CONGRESS Sess. I. Ch. 198. 1908. ¤¤¤r¤- COURTS. ` ,,,,°,'{,1f" "‘ ""’°'°“‘°' For amount uired to pay the reporter of the court of appeals of the District of lttnllumbia for volumes of the reports of the opinions ot said court, authorized to be furnished by him under section two hunv°1‘ 3* P" °°°‘ dred and twepgyjnjnefof the Code oi hgvgor ghe District; of tgolunnbia as amend u y rst nineteen un r an two wen y- 0 vo — umes, atdfive dollars eachil naénelp, ejevend cppies ,each of volumes thirty an thirty-one one un re an ten dollars. renews Newt _ For four zplumes Jr Topbdath Digept of tgolheports of the Court of A is of e District 0 umbia orty dollars. ""’°"“° °°‘“°· iluvnmnn oomrr: For judge, three thousand dollars; clerk, two - thousand dollars; chief probatipn officéer, one;) theuggnld {He hundxsld dollars; probation officer one thousand two un r o rs· pro - ‘ tion officer, one thousandhlollars; janitor, five hundred and fdrty dollars; in all, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. ’“°°°“*¤°°'“· _ Miscellaneous: For compensation of jurors, one thousand seven hundred and fortly dgllagis; d f d n For rent, two un re an orty dollars; For furniture, fixtures, and ui ments, and repairs to the courthouse and groimds, three hundergd dollars; ‘ For fuel, ice, gas, and laundry work, stationery, printing, law books, books of reference, periodicals, typewriter and repairs thereto, binding andlrefbimliing, jéresprvatiop of] records, mopp, brgoms, and bucketlsd remova o as es an re use,te ep one service rave mg expenses,a gthpr incidental expenses not otherwise proxiided for, one thousand 0 ars· . mi In all, three thousand two hulndred andbeightybdollarg. h °° Pomcn ootrar: For two judgee at t ree thousand six undred dollars each; clerk, two thousand dollars; two deputy clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; two deputy c erks, at one thousand two hulpdred gollarslpacléiedlepupylclerk, to be kprown as financial clerk one thousand five un 0 rs· three bai i s at nine hundred dollars each; four bailiifs, at seven hundred and twenty dollars i each; deputy marshal, one thousand dollars; janitor, five hundred and forty dollars; engineer, nine hundred dollars; assistant engineer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; fireman, three hundred and sixty dollars; two assistant janitors, at three hundred dollars each: matron, six hundredldollars; three chlprmemls? thrple hdundreddand Eixtyi dpllars each; in al , twentywseven t ousanc our un re an eig ty dollars. ""’°°""“°°“’· Miscellaneous: For fuel, gas, laundry work, stationery, printing, preservation of records. mops, brooms buckets removal of ashes and other refuse, telephone service. electiic curreint, und all other incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; ' For witness fees. four thousand dollars; d gpx;] rgpairs to police court furniture and replacing same, two hunr dollars: For meals of jurors and of bailiiis in attendance upon them when ordered by the court, one hundred dollars; For compensation of jurors, eight thousand dollars: g` or repairs to th; police courti building, three hundred dollars; or improving the heating an ventilating ap aratus and for mi r pppairs goghp police court building, to be immedliately available, thige ousan ol ars. _ In all, seventeen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. {;“:**§‘ Wig- Wnrrs or Ltuscrz To defray the expenses attending the execution °‘ ""‘ ‘ of wr1ts de lunatico inquirendo and commitments thereunder in all cases of indigent insane persons committed or sou ht to be committed to the Government Hospital for the Insane by order of the executive