Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/337

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SIXTIHTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. C11. 200. 1908. 319 New Haven, Connecticut, public buildin ·, now used for a post-office N"' H’"°“· C°““· and for other purposes: To enlarge, extend or remodel said building, including all necessary changes in, additions thereto, alterations thereof, repairs to the present building, and of the heating and plumbing sys- — tems therein, and drainage and approaches thereto, which may be incident to such extension and enlargement or remodeling of said building`, fifty thousand dollars. For reasury building at Washington, District of Columbia: For ¥.§Q';,“,§*§§,,},°,,Yé, rplpairs to Treasury, Butler, and Winder buildings and the grounds r•¤1>¤ir¤· ' a ]aoent thereto, including personal services of skilled mechanics, fifteen thousand dollars. ` Fire-alarm system, Treasury Department: For maintenance of the F"*“1“"‘“‘ “’“““"“· automatic tire-alarm system now in the Treasury and Winder build- _ in;?, two thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars. · o enable the Secretar of the Treasury to acquire by purchase or ,¤Bj*;fg¤Pggt§!f;’°'· condemnation all of theland in s uare numbered two hundred and iand fornew timethirty-one not now owned by the llnited States, together with all of i"§;,,,,, p_ 6u_ ` squares numbered two hundred and thirty-two and two hundred and thirty-three, in the city of `Washington, District of Columbia, and toward the construction, for the use of the Bureau of Engraving and °°“°‘*’“°“°“- Pxintéx, of a fireproof building a proximately three hundred by tive hund feet with interior courts, llnasement, four stories, and attic, in the immediate vicinity of and adjoini the present buildin , two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; andutie Secretary of the Treasury is oonmmeoa. authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for such building at a cost not to exceed two million one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, . includg the cost of acquininécas a site therefor the land herein descri : Provided, That the retary of the Treasury is authorized {,',’;’§,"’gi,,_ to proceed at once and, pending the acquisition of said lands, to pro- ” cure the necessary plans and specifications for the building herein _ authorized: P¢·omdedE{*“urthe1·, hat if in the judgment of the Secre- ,,T{‘§,,§.’,l,*ff,*?§f’“° ’“° tary of the Treasury the land herein described can not be acquired by purchase or condemnation at a fair and reasonable price he is authorized to construct the said building for use of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing on land now owned by the United States west of the site of the present building of said Bureau, and for that purpose the sums herein appropriated and authorized shall be available. For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs, and ,,1§$,’:l" ““d °'°” preservation of custom-houses, court-houses and lpost-offices, and quarantine stations, buildings and wharf at Sitka, Alas a, and the other public buildings and the grounds thereof., and of sites acquired for public buildings, under the control of the Treasury Department, and including not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for marine hospitals, tive hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That of the sum hereby §T,‘§'$,,,,,,,d,,,t._ appropriated not exceeding forty-five thousand dollars may be use , <>•¤· in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the employment, outside of the District of Columbia, of superintendents and others, including mechanical labor force, at a rate o compensation not exceedingjor any one person six dollars per day. ‘ hat in all cases, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, ,,,f‘§§§,,,{’,{,,,",‘2l,,l,‘li'§‘,€‘,T where any building or buildings not reserved by the vender are on ¢¤¢>¤=¢d· land heretofore acquired, or which may hereafter be acquired, for Federal building sites or for the enlargement of Federal building sites, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to rent such building or buildings until their removal becomes necessary and to make such repairs thereto as may be necessary to keep the buildings in tenantable condition, payment to be made from the proceeds derived from the rentals; the net proceeds to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, and a report thereof to be submitted to Congress annually.