Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/346

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328 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I._ Ch. 200. 1908. include the rental and use of gas governors, when ordered by the Secremécmm tary of the Treasury in writing:1*r0vzded, That_no sum shall be pard as ` rental for such gas governors ogreater than thirty-five per centum of the actual value of the gas sav thereby, which saving shall be determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury s all direct. _No portion of the amount herein appropriated shall be used for operating a system of pneumatic tubes for the transmission of postal matter. w§,‘gg{;§*Q“,g °°°”· Surrnnssme cousrmiurmrrmo AND ommn ommns: For expenses ’incurred under the authority or with the araproval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detecting, arresting, and de ivering into the custody of the United States marshal having jurisdiction, dealers and pretended dealers in counterfeit money, and persons engaged in counterfeiting Treasury notes, bonds, national·ban notes, an other securities of the United States and of foreign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of foreggn governments, and otherfelonies committed against the laws of the nited States relating to the pay and bounty laws, including one thousand dollars to make the necessaphy investigation of claims for reimbursement of expenses incident to e last sick- R·¤-»¤¤¢-4718»l>·°1°- ness and burial of deceased pensioners under section forty-seven hun- Vvl- 29. r- 96*- dred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes, the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for no other purpose whatever, except in theprotection of the person of the President of the United Q; States, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this amount be used rn defraying the expenses of any person subpoenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United n States commissioner, which ex ses shall be paid from the appropriation for “Fees of witnesses, United States courts." d,lT,:{§';g,“',§ No part,of any money appropriated by this Act shall be used in payment of compensation or expenses of any dpersou detailed or transerred from the Secret Service' Division of e Treasury Department or who may at any time, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, have been employed by or under said Secret Service Division. ,ig1¤;¤;¤l::;•e:,i‘Q¤ i¤ Comrnxsxrrox ru LIEU or Morrzrrrzs: For compensation in lieu of néoietiesl aipartain cases under the customs revenue laws, twenty-five thousand o rs. ,,$§}l§§l*§§d,§$}?“ Cusrous snnvrcm: To defray the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs, four million five hundred thousand dollars, being additional to the permanent appropriation; for this urpose for the iiscal ,,,g°‘*‘°“°" "' ""“d· year ending;. une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and)nine. And the prov»1.zq.p.sasn ven. visions of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine ”· "·°“°·“'“°“°°‘l· (Twentieth Statutes, page three hundred und eighty-six), as amended by the Act of April twennty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four (Thirt - third Statutes, page three hundred and ninety-six), authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to expend out of the appropriation for defraying the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs such amount as he nnay deem necessary, not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per annum, for the detection and prevention of A I H frauds upon the customs revenue, are hereby further amended so as ,,,;.,}}.§LQE‘d_ “ m"""' to increase the amount to be so expended for the fiscal year nineteen _ hundred and nine to two hundred thousand dollars. -:¤¤<»m»;¤¤;;¤¢:l*f· The nmexpended balance of the appropriation of twenty-tive thousand nn{,.l§,‘Z{°" ° '° ""` dollars made by the sundry civil Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen ven. 34. p. nos. hundred and six, for construction and installation of s cial automatic and recording scales for weighing merchandise, and so fdrth, in connection with innports at the various ports of entry under direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereby continued and made available for expenditure during the trscal year nineteen hundred and nine. ` 1.amn,e:¤. Lamps Axo orrmn PROPERTY or Tru: Uivrmo Srxrmsz For custody, care, protection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property of