Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/37

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1908. 19 For an additional amount to enable the Secretary of the Interior to digl’;l{§;v R“‘°' 1* complete the necessary surveying and otherwise carry out the purposes umia¤ and www of so much of the Act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and two, R§K°{vlg,t$§gE"{,“,l§j_ ,1- making appropriation for the current and contingent expenses of the l°lE°? @*****-260 Indian Department for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, and O` 'p` ` for other purposes, as provides for the allotment of the Indians of the Walker River Reservation in Nevada, and the Uintah and White River S mmm. nlm Utes in Utah, and the joint resolution of June nineteenth, nineteen erviiiio¤,W¤¤ril` hundred and two, providing for the allotment of the Indians of Spo- t;:°"°T4, kane Reservation in Washington, ten thousand dollars." p` I " For an additional amount for support of Indian day and industrial S°’*°°’*· schools and for other educational purposes, fifty thousand dollars. The Secretary of the Interior is directed to place on the books of Ing?:;' $**3;*; S*°¤>< the Treasury to the credit of the Lower Brule Sioux Indians in South Purciihsé ot 'neck, Dakota, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, °°°‘ the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be immediately available, said sum to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior in the purchase of cattle, mares, and stallions, or for such other urposes as he may deem to be for the best interests of the Indians: gm- mémm nt ` vided, That the same shall be reimbursed to the United States from Q ' the iirstlproceeds received from the sale of the lands described in the Act of pril twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six (Thirty-fourth V°‘·*’·4·1>·*25- Statutes at Lar e, one hundred and twenty-five), belonging to said Lolyver Ernie Indians. I bl h 1 wml 1 or the erection com ete of a suita e sc oo b'n to re ace H¤¤k¤“ I¤¤¤¤¤¤¢. the one destroyed by iirg at Haskell Institute, Lawrence, tif- L`s¢'1i°dii°°6¤i'i°:1-nig. teen thousand dollars. ’ The Act of March first, nineteen hundred and seven (Thirty-fourth Sc{Lg{r¤» S- mk. Statutes at large, one thousand and forty-seven), appropriating the Vo1.§4,p.1047. sum of five thousand dollars for completing the irrigation plant at the Pierre Indian School, South Dakota, is hereby so modified as to permit the expenditure of so much of said amount as may be necessary in completing the work on the artesian well appropriated for by the ·\¤¤¤*¤¤ W¢¤· Act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six (Thirty-fourth V0]- 8+ v- **70- Statutes at Large, three hundred and seventy), at said school. For expense of surveys, allotment of lands to Indians, salaries and R;l;Q;*;fn *1*3* 5*;* expenses of the Commission heretofore appointed for the classification mm. " of the Flathead Indian Reservation lands, and other incidental expenses ,,#§'ff‘§”§§§§§;.,”l° in connection with the a praisement. classification, and sale of the lands embraced in the F laithead Indian Reservation in the State of Montana. the sum of sixty thousand dollars, the same to be reimbursable from the sale of said lands. _ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. m;)§‘Q“§},‘§‘°f§§(fE°"' census orrrcn. *`°“"”°”‘°°· That the Director of the Census is hereby authorized and directed to h_;‘g‘j‘§j}‘*}’§u'ji“{@*{’,{ expend so much of the appropriation for printing for the Department the First Censusof Commerce and Labor allotted by law to the Census Office for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, as may be necessary to continue and compllete the ublication of the names of the heads of families returned at the First Clensus of the United States, as authorized by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six. BUREAU or mmcnnrrorr AND Nxrunnnzanon. ,}£,“’f:§ °§{g'§,,,,"§{,‘}j t on. Salaries, Division of Naturalizationé For the following for the bal- S°l°"°S` ance of the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and eight: One clerk of class four; one clerk oil class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class