Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/390

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372 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1_908." For quarters for civilian employees, four thousand four hundred ‘ dollars; For repair shop, five thousand dollars; _ For additional arc lights, two thousand seven hundred dollars;

  • `•¤¤· For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for

the Central Branch, twenty thousand dollars; In all, three hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred dollars. g,§’ ‘ BA1TI.E Mourrram Samnaium, AT Ho·r Srmnos, Souru DAKorA: For current expenses, subsistence, household, hospital, transportation, repairs, and farm, including the same objects speciliednnder these heads for the Central Branch, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. °°“l buh`?"' For additional coal bunkers, three thousand dollars; T"b°'°“1°"w"d` For tuberculosis ward, three thousand five hundred dollars;` For band stand, one thousand five hundred dollars; Cl thi M lm In all, one hundred and eghtvthree thousand dollars. b,-,_,,2h,,,_°g For clothing for all of the ranches, namely: Expenditures for clothing, underclothing, bats, caps, boots, shoes, socks, and overalls; also all sums expended for labor, materials, machines, tools, and appliances · employed, and for use in the tailor shops, knittin shops, and shoe shops, or other Home shops in which any kind or cgnzhing is made or repaired, three hundred thousand dollars. ` 0,S§§‘,j'l,‘;';,f,Y"··*’°"" For salaries of officers and employees of the Board of Managers, and for outdoor relief and incidental expenses, namely: For president of the Board of Managers, four thousand dollars; secretary of the Board of Managers, two thousand dollars; general treasurer, who shall not be a member of the Board of Managers, four thousand dollars; inspector-general and chief surgeon, three thousand five hundred dollars; assistant general treasurer and assistant inspectorgeneral, three thousand dollars; two assistant inspectors-general, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; clerical services for the offices of the president, eneral treasurer, and inspector-general and chief surgeon,- fifteen thousand five hundred dollars; clerical services for managers, four thousand five hundred dollars; a ents, eight hundred dollars, of which sum not more than two hundref dollars 51all be id to the agent at Vlhshingfon, District of Columbia; for travelhig expenses of the Board of i anagers, their officers and employees, sixteen thousand dollars: for out oor relief, one thousand dollars; for rent, legal services, medical examinations, stationery, tele rams, and other incidental ex nses, seven thousand dollars; in alE sixty-six thousand three hunnligd dollars. ‘ d all, four million five hundred and ten thousand three hundred 0 ars. mzghuw 1’mz·ided, That no part of the foregoing appropriations shall be ` expended for any purpose at any Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteers that maintains or permits to be maintained on its premises a bar, canteen or other place where beer, wine or other intoxicating liquors are sold. Q;;‘i*;'}_.g‘—¥;;)i;°Q*gQ;; In addition to those classes of discharged soldiers and sailors now a.-éniil Wnadmissible to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, all honorably discharged soldiers who served in the regular or volunteer i forces of the United States in any of the campaigns against hostile Indians who are now disabled by age, disease. or otherwise, and by reason of such disability are incapable of earning a living, shall hereqt C I A af?r be aidmitted thjretoi d d d h L — °¤°i~'** 80**2 **“ · or ju gment an cos s a judge a inst the 'ational Home for Cfllssgigid gl 5¤ds— Disabled Volunteer Soldiers on the fifthedlay of June, nineteen hundred "’°"°‘ and seven. in the United States circuit court for the eastern district of Tennessee, in the case of The Stone Coal and Coke Compauv against The National Home for Disabled \$dlunteer Soldiers, three thousand four hundred and ten dollars and seventy-one cents.