Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/405

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1908. 387 from court fees, and collected or raised by taxation in whatever form under the laws of the government of the Canal Zone, are hereby appropriated until and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, as follows: The revenues derived from the postal service to the maintenance of that service; the remaining revenues, after setting aside a miscellaneous and contingent fund of ten thousand dollars, to the maintenance of the public school system in the Zone; to the construction and maintenance of public improvements within the Zone; to the maintenance of the administrative districts, including payment of salaries and wages incident thereto; to the maintenance of Canal Zone charity patients in the hospitals of the Isthmian Canal Commission, and to the maintenance of administrative district prisoners. A detailed Sgtemem *0 C<>¤· and classified statement of all receipts and expenditures without the gm ` duplication of items under this ragraph shall be submitted to Congress after the close of the iismlpyear nineteen hundred and nine. Sec. 4. All sums appropriated hereunder or that may hereafter be c§;‘§“3u§,‘Qf;*;;b‘jjg{ appropriated for the construction of the Isthmian Canal shall be tracts. available for the payment of the direct obligations of the Canal Commission, .or of the Commission’s obli tions under any contract or contracts that may hereafter be entere<Ia into for the construction of the Isthmian Canal. Sec. 5. All funds that hereafter ma be derived from customs duties frfggffu ;fujg°“° collected upon property of the United, States imported from the Canal Renppreprimé for Zone are hereby reappropriated for the construction of the Isthmian °°°m°°u°”‘ Canal and may be expended under any of the classified appropriations for the department of construction and en 'neering. Sec. 6. All funds realized during the éslcal year nineteen hundred mQ“§,’§Pm“‘"°“* and nine by the Isthmian Canal Commission from the performance of 11<=gg`>l1>rt<;1>ri¤¢¤d for services by the Commission, or from‘the sale of materials and supplies °°°° ° °‘l' upon the Isthmus under the custody and control of the Commission, are hereby reappropriated for expenditure under any of the foregoing classified appropriations for the department of construction and enineering, and a full and separate report in detail of all transactions hereunder shall be made to Congress. . Sec. 7. The officers of the Isthmian Canal Commission are relieved q§,f{,‘§“l°“ "'*’°h` from liability to account for eleven thousand two hundred and five dol- Su§,‘;l;gg¤:,lggv;¤;,*¢°¤ lars and fifty-three cents, for materials and supplies furnished to the ' sufferers by the Jamaican earthquake of January fourteenth, nineteen hundred and seven. Sec. 8. The National Academy of Sciences is required, at their next ,,,,s§H‘§'{,ll,ll§wdZ,`§jv°" meeting, to take into consideration the methods and expenses of con- 0,N&g§;*£s Q0°°r‘;°m,{ ducting all surveys of a scientific character, and all chemical, testing, pnurorcousoixusaliig. and experimental laboratories and to report to Congress as soon thereafter as may be practicable a plan for consolidating such surveys, chemical, testing, and experimental laboratories so as to. eifectually prevent duplication of work and reduce expenditures without detriment to the public service. fh M h mum It is the judgment of Congress that any person who holds employ- ,,,3 p§m§§,§f ment under the United States or who is employed by and receives a regular salaryfrom any scientific bureau or institution that is required to report tongress should refrain from participation in the deliberations of said National Academy of Science on t is subject and from voting on or joining in any recommendation hereunder. _ _ Sec. 9. That all sums appropriated bv this Act for salames of officers b,,S,“,§’§,{f’ "‘l"“°‘ *° and employees of the Government shall be in full for such salaries for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, and all laws or parts of laws in coniiict with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.