Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/418

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400 SIXTIETH CONGRESS Sess. I. C11. 204. 1908. Columbia who have heretofore tparticipated or shall hereafter participate in the ap rtionment of e annual appropriation provided by R&.¤¤¢-1¤¤,v.¤¤- section sixteenqihndred and sixt -one of the Revised Statutes of the v°1'31’°`°°2‘ United States, as amended, whefficr known and designated as National · Guard, militia, or otherwise, shall constitute the organized militia. ,,'f,°°X'Q’m"§“ ;{°,,,§§‘§j On and after January twenty-iirst, nineteen hundred and ten, the fg? ·f¢¢¤J·¤¤•¤’¤· organization, armament, and Ssciplline of the or€:iized militia in the vbi. sz, p. ws. several States and Territories and the District of ‘ lumbia shall be the

 same as that which is now or may hereafter be prescribed for the

Regular Army of the United States, subject in time of peace to such - _ eneral exceptions as may be authorized by the Secretary of War: m,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,1_ Provided, That in peace and war each organized division of militia •¤;¤=p¤•;;*¤•=- 7,,5 may have one inspector of sma1l—arms practice with the rank of lieumeméa.P'tenant-colonel; each organized brigade of militia one inspector of small-arms practice with the rank of major; each regiment of infantry or cavalry of organized militia one assistant inspector of small-arms practice with the rank of captain, and each separate or unassigned battalion of infantry or engineers or squadron of cavalry of organized In um amber militia one assistant insgctor of small—arms practice with the rank of annum mn. first lieutenant:also, That the President of the United States in time of ppace may, by orderimfix the minilmum number of enlisted , . men in eac com n troo , tte si co en 'neer co , m”1°°°°°‘°°mm and hos 'tal co oiiided hat ahpsizo glof artilldps ··¤·¤··g·=···;,·; P1 . E PK . . Y W6 'Y· v°’· ·¥'· · cavalry, and in tryexisting in any of the States at the passa of the Act of May eighth, seventeen hundred and ninety-two, whicgfby the laws, customs, or usages of the said States, have been in continuous existence since the passage of said Act, under its provisions and ”¥·§··,¥_·,§T°"“°· under the provisions of section two hundred and thirt —twc and sec- ’ tions sixteen hundred and twent}y—five to sixteen hundyred and sixty, both inclusive, of title sixteen o the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to the militia, shall be allowed to retain their accustomed rirévileges, subjeclt, nqylertheqess, tp all other duties required by law, in i e manner as the 0 er mi itia. Sec. 3. That section four of said Act as amended be, and the same is hereby, amended and reenacted so as to read as follows: To be called for in “Sec. 4. That whenever the United States is invaded or in danger °‘€»°§’{_‘"§`fi°§’ '$°$3,_ of invasion from any foreigln nation, or of rebellion against the author- •*gg}'fm·'hm _ ity of the Government of the United States, or the President is unable m some is 1;:5:;- with the regular forces at his command to execute the laws of the ""°°°‘ Union, it shall be lawful for the President to call forth such number of the militia of the State or of the States or Territories or of the District of Columbia as he may deem necessary to repel such invasion, suppress Ordersthrwsh gov- such rebellion, or to enable him to execute such laws, and to issue his °“‘°" °°°‘ orders for that purpose, through the governor of the respective State or Territory, or through the commanding general of the militia of the District of Columbia, from which State, Territory, or District such troops may be called, to such officers of the militia as he may think roper. p Sec. 4. That section live of said Act as amended be, and the same is hereby, amended and reenacted so as to read as follows: b€'F§r¤=gf:lgrgi9<gg¤e:{ "Sr1c. 5. That whenever the President calls forth the organized dendec ° militia of any State, Territory, or of the District of Columbia, to be employed in the service of the United States, he may s ecify in his _ cal the period for which such service is required, and the militia .so u§‘f,,f*’,,'§ “”“' “* called shall continue to serve during the term so specified, either within mj’_;keg2· P- 776· or without the territory of the United States, unless sooner relieved p,,,,,,;,,,, by order of the President: Pr¢n·z`ded, That no commissioned officer or 0,*;e°;'¥{*:;f°¤ °¤ ****1* enlisted man of the organized militia shall be held to service beyond the term of his existing commission or enlistment: Pr0vided_7‘in·t/aw-, M ¤:gimm That when the military needs of the Federal Government arising from M .;,1.,,,,,,, ;,,,X§“°° the necessity to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection,