Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/42

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24 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1908. cny delivery. For of letter carriers, substitute and auxiliary letter carriers. umrmmm at newpbiiices entitled to city delivery service under existing law, twenty thousand dollars. noises and wagons- For horse hire allowance and rent of vehicles, fifteen thousand dollars. camo, ew. For car fare and bicycle allowance, ten thousand dollars: _ _ menu-ic power, For electric wer and light, and repair of machinery in buildings ""“· °‘°‘ for the use of m Post-Office Department. including the maitbagl repair shop, lock—repair shop, and the division of supplies, three thousand one hundred and fift dollars. . runway mu serv- Railway mail service: Flor actual and necessary expenses of general i°°‘ superintendent, assistant eneral. superintendent, chief clerk and assistant chief clerk, office ofgeneral superintendent, division of railway mail service, division superintendents, assistant division superintendents, and chief clerks, railway mail service, and railway postal rmvmugmww. clerks, while actually traveling on business of the Post-Otlice Department and awa from their several designated headquarters, fiscal year _ nineteen hundired and seven, one hundred and thirty-four dollars. Transfer or appro- The sum of two thousand five hundred dollars is transferred from "i“°°"‘ the appropriation for: . Mem,,],,, em "Mail bags, cord fasteners, label cases, and labor and material nec- · essary for repairing equipment and for incidental exppnses per- V0\.34,p.1211. taining thereto” for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and eight, to the appropriation for: “Mail locks and keys, chains, tools, and machinery, and labor and material necessary for manufaeturin and re iring same, and incidental expenses pertainin thelretoi for die fiscalnyear ending June thirtietli, nineteen hundred an ei t. stamped envelopes. Foramy of agent and assistants to distribute stamped envelopes and °°‘f5,,,,m,,,m,,,_ g§%appr wrappers and expenses of agency, one thousand two huno ars. · _ Sv¤<¤i¤i ¤¤¤¤;1;;· For the compensation of s ial counsel a inted b the Attorney- Q°iiidim` dm 1 General, upon the request oixtlie Postmasterligeneral, dar the prosecution and defense on behalf of the Post-Office Department of suits sétiecting the second-class mailing privilege, five hundred and twentvve dollars. V nogsmy envelopes. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute registry envelopes, five thousand and sixty dollars. omemi enveiopes. For pay of agent and assistants to distribute official envelopes, tive thousand nine hundred and sixtiv dollars. ply;;? delivery. me For supplies for the city de ivery service, including letter boxes, and so fort ., hscal year nineteen hundred and tive, and prior years, forty-three dollars and twenty cents. · etX’=¤Pr>*¤8 ¤Wi¤¢·· I For wrapping twine and tying devices, one hundred thousand dollars. P<¤*¤¤¤··¤»¤- For compensation to postmasters, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, five hundred an seventy-seven thousand three hundred and fifteen dollars and ninety-eight cents. 8¤¢¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤v¤rv· For special delivery service, fees to messengers, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, six thousand nine hundred and thirty-two dollars and sixty cents. sr»·r¤·ome¤. For inland mail transportation by star routes, tiscal vear nineteen hundred and six, five hundred and thirty-one dollarsy and thirteen cents. Isthmian Canal. _S;¤¤o_{fe¤ in me For salaries of members, officers and em lo*ees of the Isthmi me °°"°“‘ Canal Commission. including assistaiit urchadingiand shipping agent? and all other employees in the United) States, eighteen thousand six hundred dollars.