SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 206. 1908. 417 chase of copying presses, numbering machines, and miscellaneous articles purchased and furnished directly to the postal service, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. To defray the cost of printing a new edition of "Street Directory C.SF*00* D*0°*0¤’ 0* of the Principal Cities of the United States," twelve thousand dollars. mel Supplies for the rural-delivery service, including collection boxes, ,¥*‘¥'0l·d**“‘0*Y ¤¤P· furniture, satchels, badges, straps, map supplies, repairing satchels p m` and furniture, repairing, erecting, and painting collection boxes in the rural-delivery service, seventy-five thousand dollars. To defray expenses incident to the shipment of supplies, including SmPp“'gS“PP“°*’— hardware, boxing, packing, cartage, freight, and the pay of one carpenter and three la rers for assignment in connection therewith, one undred and twenty-five thousand dollars. To cover cost of installing shelving, tiles, and conveyors in the eq§,§,*,Q,*;l,fi“°l’l‘i°“ building occupied by the division of su plies in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, three thousand dollars. For pay of letter carriers, substitutes for carriers on annual leave, },*0¤%*0*>1i¥0¤’Y- clerks in charge of substations, and tolls and ferriage, rural-delivery mm"' 9 c` service, thirty-tive million five hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars: Hwided, That not to exceed twelve thousand dollars of the Qagsgjgbu dBm_ amount hereby appropriated ma be used for compensation of clerks in charge of substations: Pmvidyed further, That in the’discretion of P0“’0* 0000* the Postmaster—General the pay of any carrier on a water route who furnishes his own power boat and is employed during the summer months may be fixed at an amount not exceeding nine hundred dollars in any one calendar year. For travel and miscellaneous ex nses in the stal service, office of T"“"°l· °‘°· the Fourth Assistant Postmaster—Ci:)eineral, one thbusand dollars. That the accounts of Edward Rosewater, deceased, and of N. M. ,,,f,d§§‘,",§ §,§§g°‘°’ Brooks, late delegates to the Universal Postal Congress at Rome, Italy, Smiement of l ¤¤— be settled, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, within °°°°°S' the amounts allotted to each by the Postmaster-General as salary and expenses out of the five thousand dollars appropriated for the salary and expenses of delegates to that congress without the further liling of vouchers. That the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, and m§Q’€*Q_'{f;f”°’}f,g{,’p¥,;*j{j persons employed in the postal service shall not be available for the mwciptmus. compensation of any persons ermanently incapacitated for perform- _ ing such service. The establishment of a civil-pension roll or an hon- prl;§§‘,j}Q;Q,_ """· °'°·· orable-service roll, or the exemption of any of the officers, clerks, and persons in the postal service from the existing laws respecting employ- ment in such service is hereby prohibited. _ That the term and authority of the joint commission authorized ,,,f,‘{{Q;g°§;,§§Q$jj°§0‘Q under the Act approved March second, nineteen hundred and seven, tieredé, ms to investi ate the business system of the Post-Oliice Department and °° '°‘ ` the postal service, and the time for the tiling of the report of said commission, are hereby extended until as soon as practicable after the ‘ beginning of the second session of the Sixtieth Congress. And said mfg <¤<>difv r><¤*¤¤ commission is authorized to codify the postal laws of the United States " and to incur any necessary expense in connection with said work. _ _ And the unexpended balance appropriated for the expenses of said €x*;ggfgg“““°" ‘°’ commission is hereby reappropriated, together with the further sum of ten thousand dollars, to be id out on the audit and order of the chairman or vice-chairman of th; said commission under the method authorized in said Act approved March second, nineteen hundred and seven, said appropriation to be immediately available. _ ~ That enlisted men of the United States Navy may, upon selection §;‘{f,’;f€‘Q,€’,§’Q_§, U, be by the Secretary of the Navy, be designated by the Post—Oil:ice Depart- ggéggared as mail ment as "navy mail clerks" and "assistant navy mail clerks," who pug8s_ shall be authorized to receive and open all pouches and sacks of mail
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