Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/438

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420 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 208, 209. 1908. §§;'·jg‘;°’¥'·°'°· For stationery and other necessary expenses, sixtygfive thousand Frwked envelopes dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior s ll furnish free f°’°°°°’°°°°’ to all pensioners franked or penalty envelopes, properly addressed, to be used by said pensioners only for the return of their pension vouchers. _ Approved, May 28, 1908. Huy 28, 1906. CHAP. 209.-—An Act To regulate the employment of child labor in the District fe mi or commas. [Public, No. 149.] . Be it enacted by the Senate and House %.R esentatifves of the name: orcoiumbin. United States of America in Congress aesem d, (That no child under p,£°i'§`}1°°°“°mm°` fourteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in the dkmgvpggrewwrlggg District of Columbia in any factory workshop, mercantile establish- {jim;. yemgxbigugga, ment, store, business office, tele raph or telep one office, restaurant, hotel, apartment house, club, dreater, bowling alley, laundry, bootblack stand, or in_ the distribution or transmission of merchandise or ,¤£“?,,§_°* "°‘°‘ ""` messages. No such child shall be employed in any work performed for wages or other compensation, to whomsoever payable, during the hours when the public schools of the District of Columbia. are in session, nor before the hour of six o’clock in the mornin or after the m®m 6X_ hour of seven o’clock in the evening: Provided, That tie provisions cepzee. of this section shall not a ply to children employed in the service of juggzmfjg {jg the Senate: And 1pm·vi£dfu¢·t}zer, That the judge of the juvenile wm. J court of said District may, upon the application of the parent, guardian, or next friend of said child, issue a (permit for the employment of any child between the ages of twelve an fourteen years at any occupation or employment not in his judgment dangerous or injurious to the health or morals of such child, upon evidence satisfactory to him that the labor of such child is necessary for its support, or for the assistance of a disabled, ill, or invalid father or mother, or for the support in whole or in part of a younger brother or sister or a '1`*”‘° limimd- widowed mother. Such permits shall be issued for a definite time, _ but they shall be revocable at the discretion of the jud e by whom` H°"'“‘g’· the are issued or by his successor in office. Hearings for grantin andy revoking permits shall be held upon such notice and under such rules and regu ations as the judge of said court shall prescribe. wmcggj ¤¢¤<><>¤¤s Sec. 2. That no child under snxteenfyears of age shall be employed ` or permitted to work in the District o Columbia in any of the establishments named in section one, unless the person or corporation employing him procures and keeps on file and accessible to the inspectors authorized by this Act and the truant officers of the District of Columbia an age and schooling certificate, and keeps two complete lists of all such children employed therein, one on file and one conspicuously posted near the principal entrance of the building in which such children are employed. · mgigfglrg °°’“"" Sec. 3. That an age and schooling certificate shall be approved only ` by the superintendent of public schools, or by a person authorized by him in writing, who shall have authority to administer the oath provided for therein, but no fee shall be charged therefor. “§vi¤€¤¢¢ <>f ¤i¤¤· Sec. 4. That no age and schooling certificate shall be approved unless ` satisfactory evidence is furnished by duly attested transcript of the certificate of birth or baptism of such child, or other religious record, or the register of birth or the atlidavit of the parent or guardian or custodian of a child, which affidavit shall be required, however, only in case such last-mentioned transcript of the certificate of birth be not procured and filed, showing the place and date of birth of such child, which aflidavit must be taken before the officer issuing the employment <>¤¤¤· certjdcate, who is hereby authorized and required to administer such oath, and who shall not demand or receive a fee therefor.