Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/458

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440 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sms. I. Ch. 214. 1908. . imumrnos AND oaotmps. n”¤m“*d’_‘““¤' '"“‘ For cases, materials, fittin s, fixtures, and other a liances and rep:urs` for ordnance museurg in academy building, thltee hundred dollars; For repairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertaining to the department of ordnance and gunnery, and materials for roa and walks, and for repairs to machinery and tools, one hundred and iiftiy dollars; . ‘ _ or general repairs to the cadet laundry building, and for emergency incidental expenses about building, to be expended without advertising, four hundred dollars; For general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet store buildin , including storerooms, office, tailor shops, and shoe repairing sho s, Bve hundred dollars; “°"“°"**'°'P“"· Fldr materials and labor for repairs, alterations, and additions needed at the soldiers’ hospital, as follows: Purchase of suitable incandescent lights, droplights, tubing, mantels, and soforth; for parafiin and turpentine for waxing Boors; for brushes, paints, glass, putty, and for general repairs; for materials for rebronzing radiators; an for purchase of Bowers, fruit trees, shrubs, (plants, and so forth, for hos ital ounds, one hundred and sixty-five ollars; · w“‘°"'°"‘* For waterworks: For tg; maintenance and operation of the filter beds, reservoirs, and pipe lines, including the tools, im lements, and materials required therefor; and for policing the ground; and repairing the roads in the vicinity of the reservoirs, Hlters, and intake dam, two thousand dollars; 4 °"’°'* "°'P*"‘· For repairs and necessary alterations and additions to the cadet hogpital, as follows: or materials for rebronzing radiators and piping; material for waxing and polishing floors; suitable incandescent lig ts, droplights, mantles, tubes, for carpets, furniture, and appliances; for repairs of - damaged articles, and for miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and twenty dollars; For purchase of Bowers and shrubs for hospital grounds, one hundred dollars; ““”¥· For tiling Boors and walls of north lower ward, includin .vesti· ` bules, lavatory, bathrooms, and so forth, to correspond with ah other wards in the hospital, four thousanddollars; For repaintinfg all ceilings and sidewalls throughout the buildin , which are not aced with tiles, and for repainting all interior woodwork and which is now painted and retinishin in ard oil all interior Hvgpdwork which is now so finished, one thousand eight hundred 0 ars; For renewing leaders where necessary, repairing gutters and tin roof of north wing and inting all tin work, nine hundred dollars; 0**** °•"'°"* Repairs to cadet barragbz For repaizipfg and renewing plastering, painting, and calcimining, repairs to w work, reflooring, rearranging rooms, increasin sinks, gapps, and other incidental repairs to the building, five tlgousand 0 ars; °°¤°'*'Y· For maintainingland improving the grounds of the post cemetery, one thousand five undred dollars; For continuing the construction of breast-high wall in dangerous _ places, one thousand dollars; R°°°" e"" For broken stone and gravel for roads, and for repairing sidewalks, roads, paths, and bridges on the reservation, six thousand dollars: F°" P“""""‘ For continuing work in connection with the restoration of Fort Putnam, on the nited States Military Academy Reservation at West Point, New York, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. five thousand dollars; `