Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/488

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470 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C u. 220. 1908. in the open, continuous, and uninterrupted possession of a Catholic Church of Dubuque from said date unf the present time, the title of the church to the same having never been contested nor questioned, and the boundaries of the roperty to-day being identical with those described in the original lat of Dubuque, is hereby granted to the . Most Reverend John J. Kgane as archbishop of Dubuque, and to his succesasors in office, and the title thereto is confirmed and established accor `n l . Minnesota and Sw. 2€.yThat the Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company is {°{g§m_ TT pgreby aiuthorized tohconvey in fee silmBple01(;o;1I}homaslCatheart, his

  • Y°°°'°Y °” irs an ass' s suc rt as ma not ne e or rai way u es

ahldgrhamnmu of the followilgilg-llescrihgd land, to wit: Lots three and fouipaiidctlhe D°‘°"°°°“‘ easterly one hundred and forty feet of the southwest quarter of section ` thirty-five, in township one hundred and sixty-one north, ran thirty- one west, ranted to it for railroad purposes by Act of Ilaongress V°‘·¤· P-1* entitled “gn Act granting the right of way to the Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company across the ceded portion of the Chippewa . (Red Lake) Indian Reservation, Minnesota,” approved April seven- Alienatiou mmm- teenth, nineteen hundred, and the restrictions u n alienation upon °°'“""“°"°°·°°"‘ said grant are hereby removed, and the United States hereby re inuishes all claim or title and hereby conveys to said railroad company llaqlfee to such part of said land as shall be conveyed to said Thomas Ca cart. — P¤w¤¢¤i¤·**¤¤ R°¤· Sec. 22. That the di ualiiication of Charles A. Goin to enter lands °" u¤¤ of under the homestead lasgs in force in the State of Oklahgma and apply- 2’,{‘{§$',f;,§°i'f,f ,2 ing to lands opened to settlement in the Pawnee Indian Reservation, moved. in the said State, arising by reason of the said Charles A. Going having heretofore entered a homestead in the State of Kansas, be, and the same are hereby, removed, and that the entry of said Charles A. Going of the southeast quarter of section numbered four, in township numbered twenty-two north, of rang-p numbered four east of the Indian E¤¤r¤¤¤<¤¤¤· meridian, in Pawnee Count , O ahoma Territory, be, and the same · is, restored as fully and to alllintents and purposes as if the said Charles ` _ A. Going at the time of entering said lands had been qualified under i•h°&`?ér mm, the laws of the United States to enter the same: Provided, That the said Going shall dpay the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for said lan . ¤,{({{°¤,}g¤,';;¤ ******1 **°· Sec. 23. That the homestead entry of Walter H. Quist for the riziy or mms by southeast quarter of section thirtyfve, in township one hundred and

l§,'$§,f*‘ Q""' l"' fifty-four north, ranve thirty-nine west, in the Crookston land district.

V°l· 8* P- *6- Minnesota, under the Act approved February twentieth, nineteen hundred and four, entitled "An Act to authorize the sale of a part of —what is known as the Red Lake Indian Reservation, in the State of Minnesota/’ upon_ which tinal proof and full payment was made, but which was held for cancellation by the Secretary of the Interior for want of qualification to make the same, be, and the same is hereby, allowed and permitted to remain of record as of the date of said entry, and] {bag patent shall issue in the name of said Walter H. Quist for sai an . NF350 Md d**°**<‘*~ Sec. 24. That the entrfy of Annie Ward, formerly Annie Brown, of ` Entry emma 1¤,¤y the southwest qéiarter o section twenty, townshi one hundred and Q§,‘§§{§ w§,','};,§Q’T’“§§l,¥ forty-four nort , range seventy-one west, in the har o land district, ¤¤¤¤¤· in the State of North Dakota, held for cancellation the Commissioner of the General Land Office and ordered canceled by the Seeretary of the Interior, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed, and the rms:. Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause a patent to the land embraced within said entry to be issued to the said Annie Ward, formerly Annie Brown, provided there is no valid adverse claim for such land.