Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/490

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472 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 220, 221. 1908. p§3“““°'" '**"‘* in tché State of Colorado; and all rules and regulations of the Interior Department requiring petitions from all settlers in said townships ask- _ ing for resurvey and agmcments to abide by the result of same, so far $·:••Z{°:`c1um• mt as any of these lands are concerned, are hereby abrogated: Provided, •"°°°°°· That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to imfwir the present bona. Edo claim of any actual occupant on any of said ands so Innwnmesurveys. occupied: And prov@d fur¢her, That before any survey is ordered under this Act It shall be made to appear to the Secretary of the Interior that the former officiul survey of said lands is so inaccurate or obliterated as to make it necessary to resurvaz tho lands, and only such parts of the lands described herein where t c survoyis so inaccurata or obliterated shall be resurveycd. ‘ Approved, May 29, 1908. u?g_ ’ 3“' CHAP. Act Granting certain rights of way and providing for certain ———;——— cxchaugcso 1: csame. ·`· [Public, N0. 161.] Be itemacted by the Senate and Hama of Rep*raeentatives of t/ua United é?—:m*:;>;&g·Umh States of America in Ocmgress assembled, That there is hare}? granted game ssnexhcut: to Salt Lake City a municgpal corporation organized an existing $·k‘{{{§_,§°{f,£",‘Q§ under the laws of tim Stutco Utah, n. perpetual easemantand right; of tion- wa for the operation, maintenance, repair, and renewal of the conduit ang pi line as now constructed over and umu the Fort Douglas Military lzggoscrvation in said State, the same ing connected with the water supply system of the said city; and also for tho construction, operation, maintenance, repair, and renewal of all valve houses which §Q'£{’,;.,,,,_ may be deemed necessary in connection with said pi c line: Prmrided, That the said conduit and pipe line must be at ullptimcs maintained entirely below the surface of the ground; that the ground must be at all times kept in such condition as will enable troops to pass over tha same without hindrance; that no fences shall be constructed to prevent the passage of troops and that all work done upon the reservation in pursuance of this grant shall ba to the satisfaction of the post commander und under such regulations as he may prescribe in the interest of g00d`0rdcr and disciplmc; and that in casa of the removal of the conduit or pi}>c line or any of the valve houses the ground shall bc restored b t nc grantee to its ori inul condition. }’)[S;¢gv*jg;®;“§(i YQ1d_ Sec. 2. {hat the Secretary of 5'ar bc, und he is hereby, authorized wu Compxmygrantcd and empowered, u n the rclcusc to the United States `hy the Delu- §§{{{,j;{,"g2§c§’$f,‘}‘{§},} wurc and Hudson ggmpmny, or its subsidiary companies, of all rights arbondgmm of way und other easenmuts of said company and of its snbsidmry “ companies within the limits of the n1ilit.m·y reservation of Plattsburg Barracks, at Plattshnnrg, in the county of Clinton and Stnm of New York, as said reservation existed prior to January iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety, to convey to said Delaware and Hudson Company, its successors and assigns, fur tha operation and maintenance of its railway, u right of way one hundred feet wide through said military I'€S· crvation. together with a right of way sixty-six feet wide along the north end of the reservation. and the right to occupy and me about two acres in the northeast corner of the same, within limits described in and shown upon 2. blueprint attached to a memorandum of agreement made between said company and the United States represented _ by Major J. G. Galbraith, Inspect0r—Gencml United States Army, in Ifgggggmu October. nineteen hundred and six: I’r02·»'ded, That except as to the said two-acre tract in the northeast corner of the reservation. which may be used for the storage of cars, engines, and so forth, the right of way herein authorized to be grunted shall be used for main and pmsing track purposes only, and not for the storage of cars, engines, and so forth, thereon; and that the occupation and use of any land