Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/506

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488 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 227. 1908. °°¤°°¤’*·· Km'- — Concordia Kansas, post-oiilce, seven thousand five hundred dollars. °'·*¤"•· K*¤¤- Ottawa, Kansas, post-office, seven thousand five hundred dollars. ·*¤'**·¤¤· KY- Ashland, Kentucky, post—office, twelve thousand dollars. B•¤’d¤°·>W¤·KY· Bardstown, Kentucky, post-office, ten thousand dollars. °Y¤¤>i¤¤¤· KY- gnthiana, Kentucky, post-office, ten thousand dollars. K°P“¤¤m°· KY- opkinsville, Kentucky, post-office, twelve thousand dollars. I·'”°¤°°”°'¤· KY- Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, post-office, seven thousand five hundred do lars. I¤*¤Y¤**¤ I4- Lafayette, Louisiana, post-office, five thousand dollars. Bidd¢*¤¤*· M- Biddeford, Maine, post-office, twenty thousand dollars. °•¤*d°¤·K°· _Camden, Maine, post-office, ten thousand dollars. “?‘*°°'· ¥°· Gardiner, Maine, post-office, fifteen thousand dollars. Old T°*¤· K°· Old Town, Maine, post—oEce, ten thousand dollars. ¤¤¤°°¤>· Km Attleboro, Massachusetts, post—office, twenty thousand dollars. hl13k0mg5e M¤¤·· ¤¤¤· Boston, Massachusetts, custom-house, five hundred thousand dollars. Newlledioxdlas. [New Bedford, Massachusetts, post-ouice, one hundred and twenty- _ five thousand dollars. B°°“° C*'°°*~ m°"· d pnattle Creek, Michigan, post-office, nineteen thousand five hundred o rs. P¤¢<>¤k¤y.1¤<=¤- Petoskey, Michigan, post-office,' ten thousand dollars. ll¤¤rh¤¤r1.1¤¤¤. Moorhead, Minnesota, post—office, five thousand dollars. umu, um. Laurel, Mississippi, post-office, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. vacuum, mis. d Hicksburg, Mississippi, postroffice and court-house, fifteen thousand o 8l‘S. · A¤¤¤¤·¥¢> . Aurora, Missouri, post-oilioe, ten thousand dollars. B°°'“°i“°· “°- Boonville Missouri, post—oiHee, ten thousand dollars. B’°°'“*°m· K°- Brooldeld, Missouri, post-office, ten thousand dollars. °***m°°“*°· “°- Chillicothe, Missouri, post-office, ten thousand dollars. K’*¤'*¤“· “°· Marshall, Missouri, post—oiIice, ten thousand dollars. P°P*” ****1**- M°· Poplar Bluff, Missouri, st-office, ten thousand dollars. R°“¤· M0- Rolla, Missouri, post-oili)d)e, five thousand dollars. T’°¤'°¤· “°· Trenton, Missouri. post—oH:lce, ten thousand dollars. _ l·*“¤8¤*°¤°» M°¤*~ Livingstone, Montana, post-office, lifteen thousand dollars. M°°°°*· Mb'- McCook, Nebraska, post-office and court-house, eight thousand dollars. K°°”°'“*’·N·H- Rochester, New Hampshire, post-office, fifteen thousand dollars. K°"*¤'°'”'· N--'- Morristown, New Jersey, post-office, thirty-five thousand dollars. °'*°€°- N·’· Orange, New Jersey, post-owce, thirty thousand dollars. B¤““’**· N·Y· Batavia New York, post-office, fifteen thousand dollars. Yigigy B°¤>¤8¤· N- Borough of Bronx,New York City, New York, post—office, one hun- `Y dred thousand dollars. °°"l‘"°‘ °‘jY‘ Cortland, New York, post-office, twenty thousand dollars. F""°"’ NCQ Fulton, New York, post—office, ten•thousand dollars. H°m°uj*‘l" Hornell, New York, post-oliice, twenty thousand dollars. M°““"°'f'°"‘N‘Y‘ Mount Vernon, New York, post—oflice, thirty-five thousand dollars. °"°°"°“‘ }"Y‘ Oneonta, New York, post-otiice, twenty thousand dollars. S°1°'°""°°jNjY' Salamanca. New York, post-office, ten thousand dollars. S{'““`“"°* °‘j l‘ Syracuse, New York, post—office only, seventy-tive thousand dollars. w“°°'l°°‘ >"_Y‘ Waterloo, New York, post-office, ten thousand dollars. °"’°°°me;:"°' Greenville. North Carolina, post—office, ten thousand dollars. m°k°”* Hickory, North Carolina, post-oflice. ten thousand dollars. M°'"°°· }"C‘ Monroe, North Carolina, post-oliice, ten thousand dollars. Ox""' N‘° d Oxford, North Carolina, post-office, seven thousand five hundred o ars. <>1¤1¢¤¤h¤.<>¤¤·- d Chickasha, Oklahoma, post-office and court-house, fifteen thousand o ars. . Gunn-1e,ok1¤. d Cuthrie, Oklahoma, post-office and court-house, thirty-tive thousand o ars. xssiesresous. d McAlester, Oklahoma, post-oflice and court-house, fifteen thousand o ars. rum, our d Tulsa, Oklahoma, post-office and court-house, twenty thousand o