Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/527

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 227. 1908. 509 UNITED STATES COURTS. Ummisumseouns. For salaries of district attorneys and marshals for Oklahoma, from B]§L,"gl}.‘f§',“f‘;,,,,,,,.,,ev,, November sixteenth, nineteen hundred and seven, to June thirtieth, ¤¤<im¤r¤¤¤1¤- ` nineteen hundred and eight, at the rate of four thousand dollars per annum each, ten thousand dollars. For fees of clerks for the fiscal years as follows: cisrkmees d For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, forty thousand o Iars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, ten thousand six hundred and ninety-seven dollars and nine cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, four hundred and forty-seven dollars and eighty cents. To enable the Attorney-General to pay, on the certificate of the f·‘§§},‘},§f,“§° €,,”"°€;it, clerk of the court, each of the witnesses in the trial of the case of the 1****- United States against Hyde, Dimond, Benson, and Schneider in the District of Columbia, who attend said trial from outside of the District of Columbia, in addition to the amounts that may be paid them under authority of the urgent deficiency appropriation Act approved Februarly fifteenth, nineteen hundred and eight, a sum equal to three do lars per day for each day actually occupied in attendance on said trial, including the days necessarily occupied in traveling from and returning to their homes, the number of da s consumed or to be consumed in such travel to be evidenced by aidavits filed with the clerk of the court, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For payment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized '“'°°“"‘°°“" by the Attorney-General, for the United States courts and their officers. including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, and moving of records, for the fiscal years, as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, twenty-five thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, two hundred and fifty dollars and twenty-five cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, sixty dollars and eighty cents. Tor the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, forty-six dollars and ' seventy-eight cents. For rent of rooms for the United States courts and judicial officers, 1<¤¤¤>f¤¤¤¤r¤¤¤¤· ten thousand dollars. For su plies for the United States courts and (jiudicial officers, to be S¤m>1i¤¤- expended) under the direction of the Attorney~ eneral, for the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and seven, two hundred and eighty-seven dolhars and seventy-four cents. _ _ _ To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for pay of bailitfs and B°“*”"·°'°· criers of Lnited States courts, inclu ing all objects of expenditure under this title of appropriation in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, five thousand dollars. For support of United States prisoners, including all ob{ects of S¤PP°’*°*P"'°“°"- expenditure under this title of appropriation in the sundry civi aplpropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, five hun red ollars. For support of inmates, including, storeroom supplies and other R°‘°’”‘S°“°°’·”·°· necessary articles and supplies, for the Reform School, Washington, ‘ District of Columbia, two thousand seven hundred dollars. 80893-von 35, rr 1——09—-34