Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/559

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 228. 1908. 54] _ Sec. 18. That for the purpose of beginning the construction of a H0uo1ulu,Ijlawai.i. suitable and commodious fireproof building for the accommodation of b£{’,§§;{“°“°“ °f the United States post—oflice, United States custom-house, United ·*"’*=» P·4°°· States courts, and other governmental offices at Honolulu, Hawaii, one hundred thousand dollars: }“rm·irle¢Z, That this authorization shall mmm. not be construed as iixing the limit of cost of said building at the sum L"" °‘ °°“°‘ hereby named, but the building hereby provided for shall be constructed or dplanned so as to cost, complete, including tirepoof vaults, heating an Ventilating apparatus, and approaches, but exclusive of site, not exceeding eight hundred and iiftv thousand dollars. The Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and ¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤- directed to enter into contracts for the construction of a suitable building for said purposes, to be designated by said Department, within the ultimate limit of cost above mentioned: Hovided, That of Qwisvéi . the amount fixed as the ultimate limit of cost not to exceed one hun- on mw "` &°` dred thousand dollars may be expended during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine. _ Sec. 19. That for the urpose of beginning the construction of a O§},f'“b°"‘“ C""· suitable and commodious hreproof building for the accommodation of b<§g!·¤¤r¤¤¢i<>¤¤ ¤f the United States gost-office, United States courts, and other govern- ihnzgiil 490. mental offices at klahoma City, Oklahoma, fifty thousand dollars: _ Provided, That this authorization shall not be construed as fixing the {_°,',,,"§‘§m,,,,_ limit of cost of said building. at the sum hereby named, but the building hereby provided for shall be constructed or planned so as to cost, complete, including fireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, and approaches but exclusive of site, not exceeding two hun red and iift thousand dollars. The Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and °°¤¤¤°*¤- directed todenter into conggagts for tha constrgcgon of a suitabk;1 builp- _ in for said urposes, to esignate by said e rtment, wit in the _ ` ultimate limit of cost above mentioned: Provided??1`hat of the amount m°3it¤,s in M, fixed at the ultimate limit of cost not to exceed fifty thousand dollars °“‘ >'°°'· may be expended during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteenhhundreg and nine. f b h f bl d m on T at for the ur seo eginningt e constructiono asuita e an " f§°°· H; 0, commodious iiigpropdf building for the accommodation of the United biiiiiiingd`; States post-office, United States courts, and other overnmental offices P""' *1 ‘ at Muskogee, Oklahoma, fifty thousand dollars: Tvovided, That this f{;*f*gh_0_,_ authorization shall not be construed as fixinithe limit of cost of said buildin at the sum hereby named, but the uilding hereby provided for shag be constructed or (planned so as to cost, complete, including iireproof vaults, heating an ventilatingu apparatus, and approaches, but exclusive of site, not exceeding two un red thousand ollars. C M The Secretary of the Treasuxiy be, and he is hereby, authorized and °“"”‘° ‘ directed to enter into contracted or the cgnsitructipn o a suitable buildin for said urposes to be esi ate said De rtment, wit in _ tig ultimate Ilimit oficost abovegiiientioniidz l’rm,•ii)i?d, That of the _£],§,"f,°,;,,,,,,, i,, ,1,, amount fixed as the ultimate limit of cost not to exceed fifty thousand ¤¤* Y""- dollars may be expended during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine. Sno, 20. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby. §,'g,§g$g‘{{,§,{§;;,¤,_ authorized and directed to c41I15G the United States post-office and gggégectigizigg uew. court-house building at Shreveport, Louisiana, to be taken down and A,,.,_{,_m_ ‘ a new building erected on the site thereof for the accommodation of the United States post-otiice, courts, and other governmental offices, at a total cost to the Government, including the removal of the present building and the construction of a new building with fireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus. and agiproaches, complete, not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars. nd the Secretary of 0v¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- the Treasury may, in his discretion, reduce the open space for fire 80893-vox. 35, yr 1—0tl;36