Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/609

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592 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 56, 58. 1909. F<El£If¤1¤;U23%1%$9;?9- R_CH4P.M§6.—·nn Act Authorizing the construction of a bridge across Current · · · wer, in msoun. [Public, N0. ZX!.] _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 j` R%>¢·esentat¢}ves of the United &‘§tc'?f§)f)";§‘;; gf; é'tate.s of Amer¢Ica_én Ogngreqs assembled, That the county court of yergdgggeur Van Bu- Carter County, M1§sour1, their successois sind assigns, be, and they ·‘ are hereby, authorized to construct, maintam, and operate n. bridge, and approaches thereto, across Current River, ata point to be approved by éhe Obie;) of Engipeers and Secretary of War, near Van Burenlherry, in a.rter untv, i issouri. comemmmu. Sec. 2. That the brid e authorized to be constructed b this Act v°1‘ 34* p' 8* shall be constructed i ngaccordance with the provisions gi the Act entitled "An Act to re late the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved hllarch twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. _ Ammdment SEO£. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby reserv . Approved, February 1, 1909. · Fizmaq Ast To provide for a disbursing officer for the Government 11 , .201. ,_ _ [Pub C No I Be ztenacted the Senate and House0fRepreaentatives of the United biuvt of C¤¤¤¤¤· States of Amerjéca in Congress assembled, That section forty-eight cam-nmme uma- hundre and thirty-nine of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is ‘ ‘°}f‘gf_‘t§‘€$,_§‘gf‘I$j,l,,_ hereby, amended so as to read as follows: nggudgmudcut "Sp0. 4839. The chief executive officer of the Government . Bai:]-lyincrcusctl. H0sp1tal for the Insane shall be a. superintendent, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be entitled to a salary 0f four thousand dollars a year, and shall give bond for the faithful . performance of his duties in such sum and with such securities as may be required biy the Secretary of the Interior. The superintendent shall be a wel —educuted physician, possessing com tent experience in the cure and treatment of the msane; he shalllxieside on the _ premises a.nd_ devote his whole time to the welfare of the institution; ' b“gg*:Q:;'g;{f‘°’“** e shall, sulaect t0_ the approval of the board of visitors, appoint a gang; respousnhle isbursing agent for the mstntution, who shall give a " bond satisfactory to the bccretary of the Interior, and the said' superintendent shall engage and discharge all needful and useful employees 1n the cure of the meane and all laborers on tho farm and determine their wages and dimes; he shall also be nn ex officio secretary of the board of visitors. The said disbursing agent, under the direction of the superintendent, shall have the custody of and pay out ull moneys appropriated by _ Congress for the Government Hospital for the Insane, or otherwise received for the purposes of the hospital, and all ’ moneys received by the superintendent in behalf of the hospital or its D·¤r>¤¤¤¤ vf f¤¤d¤· pntientg, and keep an accurate agcouut or accounts thereof. The said dmbursing ggent shall deposit in the Treasury of the United Staten, upihgr the dineptioéi 0: the slup§r1nten]1lent,f::ll iénntlstnow gi theilnanleils 0 e superin en cn or w IC may erea er e in ruste to im * Separate mmm. or for the use of patients, which shall kept in a separate account; and the sshd disbursing agentns authorized to thaw therefrom, unde1· the direction of thosmd superintendent, from time to time,under such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, for the use of such patients, but not to exceed for any one tient the amount in- Digbursement of trusted to the superintendent on account of suchm tient. During the PCHPKOII IIIOH2y of ID- t- t `i h· b · t f h ??_ md5_ ime ei any pent oner s a. e an inmq B 0 the oi ernment Hobpiml for the Insime, all money 'due or becoming due upon his or her pension shall be paid by the pension agent to the superintendent or disbursing agent of the hospital, upon :1 certmcate by such superintendent that the pensioner is an inmate of the hosp1tal and is living, and such pen-