Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/622

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 80. 1909. 605 applications shall be accessible to the public durin office hours of the clerk of the court for inspection. A fee of ten gollars shall accom- Fee. pany each application for license. Sec. 17.hat every person who shall practice, or shall attempt to _Pen¤l¤y for vimpractice medicine within the meaning of this Act without having first hm" obtained a license therefor as prescribed in this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than hve hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than one hundred days, or by both fine and imprisonment, and each day of such practice shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. Sec. 18. That all moneys collected from licenses or fines under this Dl’·P°$“i°“°““¤d¤· Act shall be disposed of in the manner already provided for by law applicable to the Territory of Alaska. AmzoxA. A¤¤>¤¤~ Sec. 19. That chapter fifty-seven, session laws of the Arizona legis- gggge C<¤{)¤W- d · lature, twenty-third session, authorizing the county of Mohave, Terri- ned. me y’ m ` tory of Arizona, to issue bonds in the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting a court—house, and also the further act of said legislature, being cha ter sixty-one, authorizing said county to issue bonds in the sum ofp ten thousand dollars for the purpose of _ building a jail for said county, is hereby ratified and approved. · Sec. 20. That the city of Phoenix, situated in Maricopa County, in i¤*Q;°g0¤j{, mY the Territory of Arizona, is hereby authorized and em wered to issue s' ` its bonds in any sum not exceeding one hundred andxfiftydive thou- umn. sand dollars for the funding of its floating indebtedness created prior , to July first, nineteen hundred and six, and represented by outstanding warrants bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum. I¤*°'°='·*· Sec. 21. That before said bonds shall be issued a special election SP¤°l¤l°l€°*i¤¤- shall be ordered by the common council of the city of Phoenix, at which election the question whether such bonds shall be issued shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said city of Phoenix whose names appear on the last assessment roll of said city for municipal taxation. Thirty days’ notice of any such election shal be given by publication NWC0- thereof in a newspaper rinted and published an of general circulation in said city before gm day fixed for such election. » Sec. 22. That the re istration for such election, the manner of con- R°8*“’”*°¤· ducting the same, and die canvass of the returns of said election shall be, as nearly as practicable, in accordance with the requirements of law in general or special elections in said municipality, and said bonds shall be issued only upon the condition that a majority of the votes cast at such election in said city shall be in favor of issuing said bonds. Sec. 23. The bonds above specified, when authorized to be issued as Interest. hereinbefore provided, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per centum per annum, pa able semiannually, and shall not be sold for less than their par valiie with accrued interest, and shall be in denominations of one thousand dollars each, the principal to be due in neuemnmum. twenty-five years from date thereof: 1’1·0m`cZed, fzouerer, That the com- zmwsm. mon council of said city of Phoenix may reserve the right to pay off P"m°"°°f b°°dS' such bonds in their numerical order at the rate of twenty-five thousand dollars thereof per annum from and after ex iration of fifteen years from their date. Principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the city treasurer of the city of Phoenix, in Maricopa County, Arizona Territory, or at such bank in the city of New York, in the State of New York, or such place as may be desiglnated by the common council of the city of Phoenix at the option of the holder of said bonds; the place of pay- ment to be mentioned in said bonds: And ]n·0vz7e{ed_fizrt/ner. That each Signatures 80893——·vor 35, rr 1-OQ}--44)