Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/636

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 112, 126, 127. 1909. 619 Sec. 7. That in all cases of removal of suits from the courts of the ,m*,f*gQ:t*;lc0Q£_¤¤“*¤ State of Tennessee to the courts of the United States, in the middle ` district of Tennessee, such removal shall be to the United States . courts in the division in which the county is situated from which the removal is made, and the time within which the removal shall be perfected, in so far as it refers to or is regulated by the terms of the United States courts, shall be deemed to refer to the terms of the United States courts held in said northeastern division of the middle . judicial district. Sec. 8. Thateach of said courts shall be held in a building to be °°“"’°°'”· provided for that purpose by the county or municipal authorities and without exrpense to the United States. Sec. 9. hat this Act shall be in force from and after the thirtieth E”°°*- day of June, anno Domini nineteen hundred and nine, and all Acts and parts of Acts so far as inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. R°P°“l- Approved, February 13, 1909. CHAP. 126.-An Act For the relief of the Mille Lac band of Chippewa Indians F°b j1m' in the State of Minnesota, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represmtativee of the United States of America in Congress assem , That the Court of Claims be, Rggllfmggc Mlgglm and it is hereby, given jurisdiction to hear and determine a suit or cmms of imnins suits to be bro ht by and on behalf of the Mille Lac band of Chippewa ff}? {‘§§°,.{,‘§“ ,Y,p°£ Indians in thelgtate of Minnesota inst the United States on account of Clemof losses sustained by them or thdighippewas of Minnesota by reason of the opening of the Mille Lac Reservation in the State of Minnesota, embracing about sixty-one thousand acres of land, to public settlement under the general land laws of the United States; and from any final judgment or decree of the Court of Claims either party shall have the right to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Appealsaid cause shall be advanced on the docket of the Court of Claims and of the Supreme Court of the United States if the same shall be appealed: Provided, That upon the final determination of such suit or {;g¤·i·;·•- _ , fm suits the Court of Claims shall have jurisdiction to decree the fees to M `°*°` ' be paid to the attorney or attorneys employed by the said Mille Lac band of Indians, and the same shall be aid out of any sum or sums found due said band or to the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota. Approved, February 15, 1909. CHAP. 127 .—~A n Act To amend section seven hundred and fourteen of the Revised l"”""E‘;w, l°°°· Statutes of the United States, relating to the resignation of judges of the courts of __-.; the United States. lP¤b¤¢. N0- F!-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House ef]? esentatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, mt section seven hundred ‘§{;’g°,‘;§g“{fg‘j,‘g§“"*’· and fourteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and R-Saggc-¤4.1>-135. the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: m'b€ nm m_ "S1=:c. 714. When any judge of any court of the United States cqivgq myesm prior a pointed to hold his office during good behavior resigns his office, *°‘°*‘g“*“'°“· ailcer having held a commission or commissions as judge of any such court or courts at least ten years continuously, and having attained the age of seventy years, he shall, during the residue of his natural life, receive the salar which is payable at the time of his retirement for the office that he held at a time ten years before his resignation." Approved, February 15, 1909.