Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/669

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652 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 199-202. 1909. ·*PP"°¥""““°“ ‘°" Sec. 2. That there is hereby appro riated from the revenues of the expenses. . . , . mp . District of Columbia an amount su cient to pay the necessary costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto, P“Y“‘°“*°‘ °·"‘“‘*“· and f or the payment of amounts awarded as damages, to be repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessments for benefits and covered ipoto the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of lumbia. Approved, February 25, 1909. F°BI’“'§'Y2§51§£°°· 2(.:(§TAn Act (gl`; arperad ar; Act enéitlled; An Act to ratify, approve, and

 con rmanac u enacte thet t 'to fH · ", t th `

lP¤\>1i<=. N0- 2694 and provide for the constmclion$>m§li?1t:>1l1didc(;>, aried dpxelradbxi) of sbezlgphbrigsyggixi gn tgileegslanld of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii," approved June twentieth, nineteen un an six. Be it enacted by the Smwte and House of Representat1}ves of the United wffbu mma' m' dtates of America in Congress assembled, That the time for construcw§c<g{,°;¤‘;°,g Q; tron of that portion of the telephone s stem of the Standard Telephone telephone ssistem pn, Company prescribed in the Act entitlyed "An Act to ratify, approve, ¥{,,E§‘§0d,§:u§`_° °' and confirm an act_ duly enacted by the legislature of the Territory of mYgh“§4» P- 3*2- Halwaii, to authprizeland provide for the construction, maintenance, an operation o a te e hone system on the island of Oahu Territo · of Hawaii," be, and is hereby, extended to three years from and attbi the passage of this Act, during which extended eriod the rights and privileges conferred upon the said Standard Telephone Com any in and by said Acts shall continue in full force and effect, but subject to F¤rf¤i¤¤¤e· the forfeiture therein provided on the failure of said company to otherwisg comply with ghe provisions of time limitations therein prescribed wit in suc exten ed period. Approved, February 25, 1909. F°°{’I*i‘?’;,’?'£g,i73"°· hi ; 'Jpbppthorize certain changes in the permanent system of [Public, No. 0.] ‘ mmm0f Columbm Be it enacted the Senate and House (ff.[{€]}7'6867lbd¢7:71€8 of the United foriggvnkpggwsgugpn States of _America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of ’ the Diptrnpt of flolumbm are periebp authorized to prepare a new highway p an or t nat ortion o t 10 istrict of Columbia l rin north of Evarts strelet north; gift of Oljlogh Capitol street, south)ofgMichigan avenue an west oenwo emetcry under the provisions c - Vol- 3°- v· 5*** tained ,1n the Act of Congress approved March second, eiglntgdh hundred and ninety-three, entitled ‘“An Act to provide a permanent system of highways in that part of the District of Columbia lying outside of ext1es," and an amendment to said Act approved June twenty- eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; that upon the completion and seeéor mg of said new highway plan it shall take the place of, and _ stan or any revious plan for said rtion of the D' tt f H“°"°"‘°“'°°"°“?‘ Columbia; and that the portion of the highway thereby abzddcongd shall revert to the abutting owners. · Approved, February 25, 1909. F<=¤r¤¤>* ¤5· lm- cmu. 202.-A. A t r d . · · - - _? 1 across the Mississipgi Rgveroaeglgglhisgtoéctlgztponmng the construction of a bridge IC, I0. . Be it enacted by the Senate and llouse of R resentativeso the U °t d Qgigggfgggfror States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the time fixed byyzthe psldgrggéby 1s¤r1¤¤g· Act of Congress entitled "An Act to authorize the city of Burlington, ’ ‘ Iowa, to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River," approved