Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/676

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 226-228. 1909. 659 CBL?. 226.-An Act For the establishment of a subport of entry at `Ranier, F°b!'u¤1'Y?'7· 1909- Minnesota. _ _[s. 9017.] [Public, No. H6. Be it enacted by the Senate and House y`Rey»·esentat2}ves of the United 1 States of Amca in Cbrégress assemble , That Ranier, Minnesota, be, {,’_§§,§‘§f§g,m,_ md, and is hereby, establishe as a subport of entry in the customs collec- ¤¤b1><>¤6f¤¤¤·}- tion district of Minnesota, and that the privileges of the first section ¤¤liJii{§a°i°'z:’°6'p'513' of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled p(};*;'{}g§,i“‘fuj,§§,}'jg "An Act to amend the statutes in relation to immediate transportation genie?. of dutiable goods, and for other purposes," being chapter one hundred v° ‘ A p' m` and ninetv, volume twenty-one, of the Statutes at Large, be, and the ' same are hereby, extended to said subport. Approved, February 27, 1909. CHAP. 227.-An Act To amend an Act approved Jul first, nineteen hundred F¤l>¤¤¤'Y and two, entitled "An Act temporarily to rovide for the administration of the _ affairs of civil government in the Philippine {glands, and for other purposes." [1>¤b1tc,Nc.zs1.] Be it enacted by the Senateand Hmxse ofRe esentatirveso the United States of Am erica in Oangress assembled, Thlaiit the third fragraph of giirldmszinmd-nidiie the seventh section of the Act entitled "An Act temporarily to provide ’°’§,*g{‘§ p_ 6,4 for the administration of the alfairs of civil government in the Philip- ¤¤¤¤=¤Z1¤d- ' pine Islands, and for other purposes,” approved July first, nineteen undred and two, is hereby amended to read as follows: . __ "Sec. 7. The legislature shall hold annual sessions, commencing on ”“‘°· °‘°·· °’· the first Monday of February in each year and continuing not exceeding ninety days thereafter (Sundays and holidavs not included) and the first meeting of the legislature shall be held upon the call of the ` vernor within ninety days after the first election: Provided, That the uggamzhm my se . Fhilippine Legislature after its first meeting as herein provided may “° "’“°· by law fix a date other than the' first Monday of February in each year for the commencement of its annual sessions: And provided further, _ _ That if at the termination of any session the appropriations necessary ,,,*K,'{§}f§§;“§,f,‘Q§u§,§Qf" for the support of government shall not have been made, an amount equal to the sums appropriated in the last appropriation bills for such purposes shall be deeme to be appropriated; and until the legislature shal act in such behalf the treasurer may, with the advice of the governor, make the payments necessary for the purposes aforesaid." Approved. February 27, 1909. HAP. 28.-An Act To rovide for im rovin th navi le ca acit of the !`¤l¤'¤•*¥ W-lm- Sabine ant? Neches rivers, and the canal coiinectidg thee Sabgid) and hlechbs rivers ii_;@]____ with the mouth of Taylors Bayou. [Public. No. nas.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 31 Representatives of the Undead States of America in Congress assemble , That the Secretary of lrVar ,.,€QfQ".§,,§‘fd N°°h°“ be, an he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to permit the u·1¤v;<>n¤t]s_it¤;_g,;i¤- counties of Jefferson and Orange, or any subdivisions thereof; in the °°° ’°° ` State of Texas, or any citizen or citizens of said State, to improve the navigable capacity of the Sabine and Neches rivers, and the _ canal connecting the mouths of these rivers with the mouth of 1-,(;§§§‘,}B,‘§’Q,'{,"{°,${’h_°“ Taylors Bayou, b r deepening and otherwise im roving the same, . such work to be done in accordance with such plans and specifica- P“*“”·°*°· tions as may be approved b him on the recommendation of the P _ Chief of Engineers: Prmnkledyj That the prosecution of the work S§f,'Z.‘?,·°°{g;.,.,, ea-_ shall be subject to the supervision, control, and regulation of the Secretary of War, and to such special conditions as he may impose for the rotection of the interests of the United States: Promlled Cm further, That the entire cost of any work which may be done under authority hereby granted shall be borne by the party or parties to