Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/678

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 232. 1909. 66] master-General, not to exceed four dollars per day, three hundred _ and twenty-five thousand dollars: Promkled, That the Postmaster- f.§Z,",,"§’§;,, ,,11,,,,. General may, in his discretion, allow inspectors er diem while tem- *’·¤°•¤¤· porarily located at any place on business away hom their home, or their designated domicile, for a period not exceedi twenty consecutive days at any one place, and make rules and reg-nilations governing the foregoing provisions relating to per diem: And gn·0mZded further, U ,t That no per diem shall be paid to inspectors receiving annual salaries m` of Itéwo thousand dollars ori mlpge. d C1 ks tc d_ _ or compensation to c er at division hea uarters, fifteen, at s,,,,,",§€,,;, $,,,,:ge,,_“"' one thousand six hundred dollars each; nine, atqone thousand four q hundred dollars each; twenty-seven, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; eight, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; , thirteen, at one thousand dollars each; and six, at nine hundred dollars each; in all, ninety-six thousand two hundred dollars. For traveling expenses of inspectors without per diem allowance, '{}:,:°“¤€· ¢*°-· °*· inspectors in charge, and the chief ost-office inspector, and expenses pe ` incurred by inspectors not covered Iby per diem allowance, thirty-Eve thousand dollars. For livery hire incurred by inspectors not covered by their per diem I·i'°¤' hi"- allowance, including livery hire in connection with the installation and inspection of rural routes, fifty thousand dollars. For necessary miscellaneous expenses at division headquarters, six M*”°°“’*”°°°¤· thousand dollars. * For paEnent of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction R°"’“"’“·°°°· of post-0 ce burglars, robbers, and highway mail robbers, twenty _ thousand dollars: Provided, That of the amount herein appropriated §{,°,$;'·,,,g mum not to exceed five thousand dollars may be expended, in the discretion ¤i<>¤- of the Postmaster-General, for the purpose of securing information concerning violations of the postal laws, and for services and information looking toward the a prehension of criminals. _ The appro riation for the iiscalpyear nineteen hundred and nine of vi;;_b°"‘“"“g “°‘ ten thousand) dollars for expenses incident to the investigation and A¤w.x>.4¤7. testing of mechanical and labor—saving devices, under the direction of the Postmaster—General, for the use of the postal service, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the postal service, office '""°‘·°'°· of the Postmaster-General, one thousand dollars. ' ormcm or rm: Fmsr ASSISTANT POSTMASTER.—GENER.AL. mgtrg-$;=l:t':iintPoet· For compensation to postmasters, twenty-seven million dollars. *’¤·¤¤¤¤•-¤=¤- For compensation to assistant postmasters at first and second m{*S¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢ i><>¤¢¤¤¤¤· class post-offices, four, at not exceeding four thousand dollars each; ` thirty-one, at not exceeding three thousand dollars each: four, at not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars each; five, at not exceeding two thousand dollars each; eleven, at not exceeding one thousand nine hundred dollars each; thirty, at not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars each; sixty-nine, at not exceeding one thousand seven hundred dollars each; one hundred and seven, at not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars each; one hundred and fifty-seven, at not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars eac ; one hundred and fourteen, at not exceeding one thousand four hundred dollars each; two hundred and seventy-six, at not exceedin one thousand three hundred dollars each; four hundred and gfty-three, at not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars each; two hundred and eighteen, at not exceeding one thousand one hundred dollars each; one hundred and eighty-one, at not exceeding one thousand dollars each; two hundred and eleven,