Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/703

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. 686 SIXTIETH c0NGREss. sm. 11. cm. 243, 244. 1909. Much 2. 1909- CHAP. 243.-Au Act To provide for the appointment of one additional district

 judge in and for the western district of Washington, and one additional district judge

[Public, No.300.] in and for the district of Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Regrescnmtives of the United ,,,¥€‘§§§§§l{°§i,§{,$$f States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the augégmgdgv i¤ds¢ United States, by and with; the advice and ponsent of the Scngztoe, v¤1.:as,p.`s24. shall appoint, sm additional judge of the distmct court of the United States for the western district of Washington, whose length of term, compensation, duties, and powers shall be the same as now provided by law for the judge of smd district. Assagnmeumzemes. Sec. 2. That the present district judgg in said district and the one appointed under t111S Act shall agree tween themselves upon the dwision of business and assignment of cases for trial in said district: QQQQQ-judgcmde_ Promkled, however, That in cusp the said two district 'ud as do ndt, aide mnereucee agree the senior circuit judge of the ninth circuit simlig make all necessary orders for the division of business and the assignment of

 cases for trial in said district.

u,£{f$°“?“"‘°*""’°‘ Srszc. 3. That the President of the United States by, and with the Addipicnal judge advice and consent. of the Senate, shall appoint an additional judge °°r$¥`§f'§§§3,,·,1,p_ge of the district court of the United States fgr the district of Oregon, who shall reside in said district, and who shall possess the same powers, perform the same duties, and receive the same salary as the present jugfgc of said district. · A¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤f<=¤*¤· Sec. 4. hat the present district judge in said district of Ore on and the one appointed under this Act shall agree between themsclgres upon the div1810n of business and assignment of cases for trial in gr::??-_udge mm gaid district: Provided, haugevera That in case the said two district, cide aaudemee ]U%0S do not agree the scmor circuit judge of the ninth circuit shall ma c all necessary orders for the division of business and the assign- 4 ment of cases for trial in said district. Terms erwm. Sm:. 5. That hereafter and until otherwise provided by law, in m,}$§; ·1§S· 572* (*58* addition to the terms of the United States circuit and district courts permuc. now required by law to be held at the city of Portland in the district of Oregon, there shall be held armually one term of said courts at the following named places in said district of Oregon at the times hereinrenniemn. after stated namely: At Pendleton on the first. Tuesday of April each amnms. year and at Medford on the first Tuasda of October each year. uepmies. Sec. 6. That the marshal and clerk ofytha district of Oregon shall each, respectively, appoint at least one deputy to reside in each of said towns of Pendleton and Medford in said district of Oregon and he shall maintain an office in ouch of said places. Approved, March 2, 1909. March 2, 1209- CHAP. 244.-An Act: To amend sectionforty-four hundred and thirty-four of the

 __ Revised Statutes of the United States, and mr other purposes.

ezemwe y , mea ouaeo esenaweso [Public` mam B: ‘¢ x J 6 ¢/M S at nd II R ze g' f me

 United States of America in Congress assen1fied,%i1at section forty-

mQ€;}M2& P- “”°» four hundred and thirty-four, Revised Statutes of the United States, T n 1 e ii ¤ ess in- as amended by the Act of Congress approved February twenty-eighth, °””°d‘ eighteen hundred and ni¤6ty·HVB, be amended by inserting a hvpbcn and the word "eight" after the Word “tbirty ” in the second Tina of the section, and by inserting after the word " diamet>er" in the ninth line of the section a comma and the words "the measurements to be taken from the center of the length of the tapered section of said fIues," and by striking out. in the fifteenth and Sixteenth lines of the section, the W01‘dS “Secretary of the Tr€aSu1‘y” and inserting in Iieu

 irérergasinglxg thereof the words   Supervising Inspcctor—Gencmi," and by inserting

52m-,f,’{,{e_”““' after the word "thu·ty," in the twentieth line. of the section, a hyphen »