Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/735

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718 SIXTIET H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 250. 1909. clear and prepare any or all such tracts of land for building, and assist in the construction of any or all of said buildings; and the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and the Attorney··General, and the warden of the jail of said District are hereby authorized and directed, _ on the request of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to require male prisoners at the time serving sentence in sa1d ]a1l to do amour m mes, the said work. For the urchase or condemnation of said sites, work °*°· of preparin same for buhdings, and erection of said temporary structures and the means necessary thereto, the sum of sixteen thousand six hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-four cents is hereby ap- Unexpended mr- propriated, and in addition thereto the unexipended balance amount- "$§f§‘}l§°{§°;9_ mg to eighty-three thousand three hundre and three dollars and tlurt -six cents of the a propriation of eightydive thousand dollars for the erection of an ad)mimstrative buil ing for the workhouse for males in the District of Columbia appropriation Act approved March second, nineteen hundred and seven, is hereb reappropriated and mm. made available for these purposes: Promkled, That no expense for the ,,,¥,§’,,$,{‘{,°,‘,},,‘°,,i{,‘Q{,'§,°,{Z actual erection of permanent buildings shall be incurred until an ¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤*=¤<’- appropriation shall e made for such purpose. . _ mgg;¤¤¤¤ 0* °°¤· hor architects’ services and necessary expenses of said commission, ' to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Immy lvm_ ten thousand dollars: Promklcd, That all appropriations herein made ` me. for reformatory and workhouse are ereby made immediately av a e.


muaorcrmrrues. Bonn or Crranrrrss: For secretary, three thousand dollars; °°"‘°" clerk one thousand two hundred dollars; steno {cipher, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, six hrmdred dd ars; one inspector, one thousand dollars; six inspectors, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one driver, at seven hundred and_twenty dollars; three drivers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; hostler, five hundred and forty dollars; traveling expenses, four hundred dollars; in all, fifteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. R¢!¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤- rmroruuarorzrns AND CORREOTIONAL INSTITUTIONS. QL,¤:p,g;¤¤>¤ A¤>"*"¤· Fon Wasrrmorou Asrpumz For superintendent, one thousand ' eight hundred dollars; visiting physician, one thousand and eighty do lars; resident ph srcian, four hundred and eighty dollars; clerk, eight hundred and lyorty dollars; pro erty clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; baker, six hundred dollars; principal overseer, one thousand five hundred dollars; sixteen overseers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; engineer, seven hundred and twent dollars; assistant engineer, four undred and eighty dollars; second, assistant engineer, four hundred and eighty dodars; engineer at hospital for seven and one-half months, at fifty dollars per month; engineer at new workhouse for seven and one-half months, at fifty dollars per month; two watchmen, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; two night watchman, at five hundred and forty-eight dollars each; blacksmrth and woodworker, five hundred dollars; carpenter, five hundred dollars; driver for dead wagon, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; hostler and driver, two hundred and forty dollars; keeper at female workhouse, three hundred dollars; keeper at female workhouse, one hundred and eiglhty dollars; hospital cook, six hundred dollars; chief cook for work ouse, six hundred dollars; four assistant cooks, at one hundred and e' hty dollars each; trained nurse, who shall act as superintendent ol? nursing, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two graduate nurses, at four hundred and twenty-five dollars ·' each; graduate nurse for receiving ward, four hundred and twenty-