Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/737

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720 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 250. 1909. sc{:g¤aglmT;iing Fon NATIONAL 'I‘1;A1NrN0 SoROOL mn BOYs: For care and mainteinimemmce of ui- nance of boys committed to the National Training School for Boys '“"“· by the courts of the District of Columbia under a contract to be made by the Board of Charities with the authorities of said National Traming Scholgl for Boys, twenty-two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as ma necess . G,f·,*f°""‘ S°*‘°°l ‘°" Rmionu Scnooaiyron GmLs: Su rintendent, one thousand two senses hundred dollars; treasurer, six hundieed dohars; matron, six hundred dollars; three teachers, at six hundred dollars each; overseer, seven htmdred and twenty dollars; six teachers of industries, at four hundred and eight dollars each; engineer, six hundred dollars; assistant engineer, ihur hundred and twentyodollars; night watchman, four hundred and eighty dollars; two la rers, at three hundred dollars each; in all, nine thousand nine hundred dollars; °°°’*”g€“‘°*P°““*· For groceries, provisions, light, fuel, soap, oil, lamps, candles, clothing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, hack hire, transportation, labor, sewing machines, Hxtures, books, stationery, horses, vehicles, hamess, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repaairs, and other necessary items, twelve thousand dollars; · or completing dormitory for male employees in accordance with 0 °al plan, six hundred and seventy-five dollars; for painting and repairing preparatory building, one thousand ` ht hundred dollars; mgln all, for Reform School for Girls, twenty-four thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars. PmT§_:j‘g_°m¤°¤ °‘ TRANSPORTATION or rms0N1ms: For conveying prisoners to the workhouse, including salary of driver, not to excee seven hundred and twenty dollars, and the purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, two thousand dollars. “°"‘°“ °"‘““°" Mnnrcar. Cnanrrms. Pify¢<*¤¤¤¤’=· H¤¤· For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract ` to be made with the Freedmaifs Hospital and Asylum by the Board of Charities, twenty-five thousand Eve hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. hccviymbiu Hnspml For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract °"‘°“‘ to be made with the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in gsylum by the Board of Charities, not to exceed twenty thousand o ars. For repairs to Columbia Hospital, two thousand dollars. c'*“°'°"" ”°'P*’”’· For the care and treatn1ent‘of indigent atients, under a contract to be made with the Chi1dren’s Hospital by the Board of Charities, not to exceed fourteen thousand dollars. PI€¥;¤¤¤v¤¢¤¤¤ me For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract ` to be made with the_National Homeopathic Hospital Association by Lm$y6next€ndd_ the Board of Charities, not to exceed eight thousand dollars: Pmam, p. wr vided, That the limitation of time fixed in the provision to the appropriation for the relief of the National Homeopathic Hospital Association in the District of Columbia appropriation Act approved May twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred andp eight, is hereby extended to January nrst, nineteen hundred and ten. Ng_¤{¤¤f¤¤¤¤v H<>¤· For emergency care and treatment of, and free dispensary service ' to, indigent pptients under a contract or ement to be made with the Central ispensary and Emergency Hozpital b the Board of Y Charities, fifteen thousand dollars. E¤*¤=*¤D**P€¤S¤*Y· For emergency care and treatment of, and free dispensary service to, indigent patients under a contract or agreement to be made with the Eastern Dispensary by the Board of Charities, seven thousand five hundred dol.ars.